MovieChat Forums > Frontier (2017) Discussion > Where does romance fit into the show?

Where does romance fit into the show?

So far we haven't seen any love story arcs or romance on the show other than Michael and Clenna. Although, we did get a brief summary of Harp's backstory there's no explanation for his relationship or connection to Emberly? (I really hope she doesn't fall victim to Chesterfield)

What I really want to know is when we'll we see Michael and Sokanon. Those two are doing a dance that has some serious promise.

Also that funny business with Tap house Mary and Captain Johnson doesn't count, it was all a ploy.



"What I really want to know is when we'll we see Michael and Sokanon."

Likely sometime after Cienna is killed... I cannot imagine her lasting beyond this season (which is almost done anyway!).



Chesterfield seems to like Emberly in his own creepy way.

Is it wrong I ship it?

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


(I really hope she doesn't fall victim to Chesterfield)

I don't see that happening since she'd rather marry Malcolm effin' Brown, lol. The truth is that Chesterfield is no match for Grace. He's just a reactionary thug who isn't very bright. He's also exactly the type of man who would beat his wife and there's no way Grace would ever put up with that. Besides all of which, she has a thing for Declan.


Sokanon wants to get in Michael's pants so bad its not even she barely even knows him and she's comfortable enough to show him her bare tits under the guise of finding more wounds on her body...lmao like she couldn't feel the pain of a fresh wound herself. Clearly she easily found the one on her back and its obvious she needed help with it but as for the could she not see any on the front. She thought she was being so clever :)

Everything in moderation...including moderation..
