spoilers-the twists

so knowing that there were two twists, i nailed the final one last week, prior to seeing it. the other twist wasn't really possible to predict from the trailers and i didn't see it coming until it was too late.

i thought it was funny how a lot of actors would have thrown themselves into the role and lost a bunch of weight and practically made themselves sick but michael pena was like, "f it."


I predicted both during the movie. There was something off about that first therapy session and I could tell.


There isn't anything spoilery in your post.


What were the twists? Spoil away.


My interpretation of "the twists" obviously, spoilers ahead ::

The trailer leads you to believe that the characters of Love, Time and Death are fantasy...not visible to anyone but Howard (smith) It's done, sort of like the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, etc

The twist comes when we realize that these characters of Love, Time and Death are actually real actors hired by Howard's friends and collegues who need to reach him before he brings the company down with him.

Then, in the end, it's implied that they actually are ghostly people seen only by Howard.

There is probably more to it than this, will welcome other opinions/observations


Do you remember how Love popped out of nowhere to lure Whit into the studio?

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus The Omoxus and the Omega


The twists were pretty predictable. I called both probably a quarter of the way in after we met the woman at the support group. The actors turning out to be the real Love, Death, Time and the woman turning out to be his estranged wife were both stupidly obvious, to the point where I wondered if they were trying to telegraph them to make people feel clever when they were inevitably spotted.
