MovieChat Forums > Collateral Beauty (2016) Discussion > Is it just me who thinks it doesnt look ...

Is it just me who thinks it doesnt look cheesy?

I'm a big fan of movies that make me fill something, in the sense that when I watch comedies or big blockbusters or something I can enjoy them but I don't feel a big connection with the story or the characters. I think this is going to be one of those "feel something" movie. It's not the best work by any of these actors, for sure but it's definitely a good story (told before or not, let's face it Hollywood isn't original anymore) and with the strong cast it has the chance to maybe get some noms for those performances. We'll see but I'm hopeful


It looks a little cheesy, yes, but I'm also hoping it'll be really good. All the actors are always solid, and if anything, I'll be watching for Ed Norton.

Nomination wise, it'll be tough for lead actor in particular since the nominations look like they'll be going to Denzel, Casey Affleck, Ryan Gosling, and possibly Andrew Garfield, but I'm hoping this film can sneak some in there. I can see maybe a best picture nom and possibly a supporting for Kate Winslet.


Looks made for tv. Will probably bomb


It's no cheesier than A Christmas Carol or Meet Joe Black (which, in my opinion, are not cheesy), so I hope people aren't as quick to discount it as they seem


totally agree. I feel like if anything I see people judging this movie so early without giving it a chance.


It does seem cheesy but it still might worth watching.

All Natural Charlotte McKinney


"Every cloud has a silver lining". No, it is not just you.

The only thing movies like this are going to make me fill is a airsick bag.


Good Times, Noodle Salad


The trailer looks like one of those fake movie "Tropic Thunder" trailers.

It was THAT bad.


Will Smith is one of the most annoying actors to ever be born. His children might even be worse. This movie was apparently going to star Hugh Jackman and be directed by Gomez-Rejon and instead it ends up being Will Smith taking over the whole movie, new director, new everything with him trying to do "serious" acting which is just stupid, boring....and annoying.

Total fail, please go home Will and stop trying to pretend you are a great actor by ruining another movie. No one wants to be in a movie with you and no one wants to be forced to have you be in their movie, they would rather drop out of the film entirely lol



All Natural Charlotte McKinney


I haven't seen it but it's clear from what people are saying that this one ain't what it looks like plus it sucks balls. It'll do solid business in the first few days but word of mouth will quickly kill it.


I haven't seen it either but yeah I read a few reviews and it looks awful.. such a shame since it had such a great cast


It sucks donkey balls, and think its a smart film, but in reality is just condecending towards people in real grief, is retartedly superficious and pseudo-intellectual. Everyone who liked it claims they "got" the subtle points, but when asked about what those are... they dont know. The few people who liked this, are the people in your facebook feed that shares these quasi-philosophical posts like; "The days are made of choices, just like love. Choose to love your days and love your choices", or some similar garbage that doesnt make sense.


I can see where a person can taste the saccharine in this. However, we live in a awfully cynical world. Sometimes cheesiness is what we need. Yes, there is one or two overtly heart tugging moments, but it's there for those people in the audience. I judged it for what it was. It's just what this world could use right now. I saw it the same weekend of Rogue One. I needed it to buffer the Star Wars mania.

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