MovieChat Forums > Loving (2016) Discussion > Loving is a great film, but I have silly...

Loving is a great film, but I have silly question

When Mildred says she wants Richards mother to deliver the baby, which causes them to go back to Virginia and get caught, why didn't they just bring the mother up to DC?

I mean, maybe she could have said "In that house" or "in Virginia because it's my home" but she specifically says his mother. Why couldn't they just go get her?

It doesn't ruin the film for me by any means, but I'm just curious.


Maybe she wanted her family to see the baby too. And bringing his mom up would not given her the comfort of home . She probably wanted her family and his family together for the birth. That is what I assumed.


Frankly, that part made no sense to me. What was so important about having Richard's mother deliver the baby and in her house in Caroline County that they would risk so severe a penalty? They knew they could go to prison for up to five years AND the county could have taken their baby from them. It seems incomprehensible that they would take so dangerous a risk for such a minor point: having the baby in that county. I couldn't find anything in the articles I read on Loving vs. the state of Virginia saying they really did that, but I have a friend who said he thought that did happen.

Anyway, to the OP, I can't offer an answer for your question that explains it.


But they did it, didn't they? It's a true story. They missed home desperately and what makes you think his mother would have left the comfort of her home. Some people live and die in the same town and have no desire to ever leave.


Didn't make sense to me either, but then I've never been particularly attached to places. I can kinda see it from their POV too though.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried



Imagine the times the Loving lived in. Washington DC was alien to them and both of them were tied to the land. They knew all their neighbors and relatives on both sides lived throughout the county. She wanted the comfort of "home" and the safety her mother in law as midwife represented. They were simple people who loved each other. It seemed as if they didn't really accept that they could go to jail.
If anything, the film was soft pedaled. During Jim Crow times, they were lucky they weren't tarred& feathered or hung on the way to jail.
Going home made sense based in their view of the world.


