MovieChat Forums > Loving (2016) Discussion > No SCIENTIFIC test for 'blackness'

No SCIENTIFIC test for 'blackness'

The USA was the ONLY industrialised nation to allow widespread Human slavery in its borders, and that tells you everything you need to know about ordinary white Americans. While nations like Britain certainly once supported the slave trade, they never dared allow slavery in the empire homeland, because people like the British would never ever have accepted it in their own towns and cities. But the Americans, to their eternal shame, embraced slavery within US borders.

In Britain no court would ever permitted a pseudo-scientific definition of 'blackness'- there is literally no possible scientific method to identify a 'black' person since the very concept is scientifically nonsensical. Yet the sicko Americans did NOT define a slave as a person enslaved, but as a 'class' of Humans distinct in some sense from 'whites'.

After slavery was abolished, this sickness continued unchanged with sicko Americans claiming they could identify a 'black' person, and thus craft laws that targeted 'black' people. The laws against 'interracial' marriage were one such example of the pathetic sickness backed by US presidents and the US Supreme Court across the entire first half of the 20th Century.

So a 'black' person could not marry a 'white' person in the USA, and yet there was no possible way to identify if a person was 'black' or 'white'. The law required an infinitely evil American official to point at a person and DECLARE them 'black'. No science- no test- just a racist POS declaring "you know one when you see one", and the US Supreme Court upholding this. And which US political party supported this obscenity lock stock and barrel. Yes, it was the Democrat party of Obama.

When the US Supreme court finally declared that 'black' people could marry 'white' people, it continued with the depraved sick anti-science lie that there is a method to identify 'black' Humans.

Humans are one 'race'- your skin colour has no more significance than your hair or eye colour. Imagine saying that blue eyed people can or cannot marry brown eyed people. Actually at least you could test for this, since eye colour is a specific testable trait, unlike 'blackness', which is a completely meaningless term genetically.

Now I wait for the usual racists to flag this post (and that shouldn't be long given that even a pro-lemony snicket post got flagged on that forum- the flag system really is a bad joke here allowing trolls to attack any opinion they wish to censor out of existence).


Humans are a species, not a race.

Whites were the first to outlaw slavery. You might want to check out Africa if you really want to incriminate slavery. Hint: some of them still have it going as we type.

I know the truth is still hard to swallow for brainwashed egalitarians like you, but...sorry, nobody said it was going to be easy.

Never argue with a Cultural Marxist. They never make sense and they never give up their racism.
