MovieChat Forums > Loving (2016) Discussion > Wasted on American audiences

Wasted on American audiences

far too many cold hard truths for the Trump nation to either consider or appreciate. Let's hope I'm wrong, though I very much doubt it.


And where are you from, Prasade?


It's irrelevant, but I am British. All that matters is the film.

This is a film website not a political socio-economic forum.

I don't understand why you're ashamed of being American. If you've a complex about your own identity don't project it here


It's not irrelevant. If you're going to make a comment like that it's very relevant.


My comment is about a film and an audience of that film. I am well within my rights to comment about a film and express an opinion about that film's particular audience. You idiots are the ones who politicise my comment until it is transmorgified into something it is not. Like the idiot Nathan whose lack of education is awareness is plainly obvious.

My point is if you are upset about being American keep it to yourself. Nobody need know that.


No, you are the arrogant bastard who thinks YOU have the greatest taste in movies and everyone who disagrees is an idiot.
And you don't have good taste in movies, you have terrible taste in movies. And you're an arrogant idiot, which is the worst kind of dumb-ass.

Or my isn't name...


Nathan mr defensive lol obviously true if you get so butthurt


-- that the USA is not only the least racist country in the world right now, it is the least racist country of all time.

Does America have a long legacy of bigotry? Of course it does (And so, by the way, do most countries in the world).

Are there still bigots among its 320 million citizens? Of course there are. (And what country of any size is lacking in bigotry??)


If there's another non-dictatorial country on the planet that willfully elected a member of a 12-percent minority to be its leader -- and then did so AGAIN four years later -- I'd certainly love to hear about it.

So please list all the countries of Europe that have done the same thing as the U.S.: elected a member of a tiny racial minority to be its leader. Are there any? Is there even one?

There isn't?

Okay how about in Asia then? Surely there must be a country like that in Asia?


What about in Africa? South America? Australia?

Tell you what. You make your list up, post it here, then continue to lecture us about how America with its black President, black attorney general, former black Joint Chiefs of Staff, former black Secretary of State, and dozens and dozens of black mayors, congressmen, senators and governors is more racist than... for example... ohhhhh... let us say... England.

Thanks! Can't wait to read your list.


Just your average racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, bigoted, misogynistic and xenophobic Yank.


Lol wow inflated sense of self much?


If there's another non-dictatorial country on the planet that willfully elected a member of a 12-percent minority to be its leader -- and then did so AGAIN four years later -- I'd certainly love to hear about it.

Off the top of my head, India elected a Sikh (a minority of 1.72%) as their last Prime Minister. And yes, and he was re-elected to a second term. You can also add Carlos Menem, Jalal Talabani, Evo Morales, Alberto Fujimori, Michael Manley, Mahendra Chaudhry, Benito Juarez...
So please list all the countries of Europe that have done the same thing as the U.S.: elected a member of a tiny racial minority to be its leader. Are there any? Is there even one?

No one who knew the first thing about European demographics and history would consider that an apt comparison. The non-European population of most European countries was minuscule up until the second half of the 20th century. And 12% is hardly a tiny minority. That said, both Britain and France have elected Jewish leaders.
Just your average racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, bigoted, misogynistic and xenophobic Yank.

You forgot ignorant and harbouring that delusional belief in American exceptionalism.

Just because I stumble down the road like a drunk, that doesn't mean it's the wrong one.


Filmklassik I already wrote in my OP that "I hope I am wrong"


The US is a racist country, but it is far more complex than you make it out to be. Yes, there are plenty of people who won't appreciate this film, but as an American and the daughter of an interracial couple, I found this to be a very important film about a very important case. When I was a child, California and 5 other states still had anti-miscegenation laws. My parents were married in NY, but it would be another 4 to 5 years before the Loving case was won in the Supreme Court.

If you are trolling, please stop being an IMDb cliche.


Pray you never, ever learn about truly racist stuff. The US is child's play, except for the slavery part, which went toast more than 150 years ago, thankfully.

As for Jim Crow, there was a good reason for that. Mixing is not the kind of thing that does any good on a large scale, and they knew that, and a lot of people still know it today. Just look at South America - it went full third world.

Never argue with a Cultural Marxist. They never make sense and they never give up their racism.


Your original post turned this into something political.


sorry mate, you're in no position to look down on Americans when your country just voted for Brexit.

Live Deliciously!


He's a jackass who has an over-inflated sense of himself. If HE likes or doesn't like a movie, anyone who disagrees is an idiot. Typical young idiot with no actual life experience. He also likes to state that if a movie wasn't successful, it's because everyone else is an idiot.

Meanwhile, he ranked "8 Heads in a Duffel Bag" a 10. Yes, a 10. A 10 is for the greatest movies like say the Godfather. Yes, this jackass who thinks his own taste is soooo good, rated 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag the same rating as the Godfather.

So what's more likely: That an entire country is an idiot, or he is an idiot? Play the odds.

Or my isn't name...



Not sure on how this "Internet" thing works, do ya? Also, you can type "ass hole" you ass hole.

Or my isn't name...


I see that you have firmly lodged your tongue far deeper inside the canyon of my ar*e hole. You've been proding away at my prostate all year sunshine, keep at it, it's where you belong. Never had a fan like you before


I was living in Richmond in 1967 when the decision came down. Not much about it in the media at that time. Yes, jase-prasad, I agree. HOwever, the problem is that the Democrat Party did not learn that it's not that minority votes matter, it's that the lives of the poor/have-nots matter, no matter what their color or gender. I'm a nihilist, so I'm less glad that Trump won than Hellary did not. I think most Americans are pretty tolerant of B&W these days. Like I say, Trump won because of the political malpractice of the Democrat leadership, that's all. Everyone who voted for Hellary voted for Trump!


As an Independent, I will totally disagree with your line of "Americans tolerance of B&W" or any minority these days..the hate is spewing out like lava.



OH, just STFU, troll. Black people have always been killed by police whether they are thugs or not. Was 12-yr-old Tamar Rice a thug? No. But sadly, that didn't keep from getting fatally shot by an idiot policeman who,as it turned out, had no damn business being on the streets armed with a gun,anyway. Your post is so stupid and clueless, and just plain racist and ignorant on top of that.


You are living in the past. With body cameras and bystanders/thugs who have cameras in their phones, that does not happen any longer, except when the victim is acting profoundly stupid, like Tamar Rice did. I saw the gun and it looks real. As it turned out, Rice had no damn business being on the streets armed with a gun, anyway.When I was 12, I did not go out waving BB guns at everyone. The kid deserved it as did his mother and father who were parentally negligent. How were the police supposed to know it was a fake gun, moron? It's all about the attitude of street neggas. Even black people in those neighborhoods are fearful of so-called "children" like Rice. Real, decent black people love whites, because they act and treat others with respect, especially the police. If you treat the police with respect, you will get it in kind. There is nothing racist about my post. The point is that race does not matter to decent, law-abiding human beings of any race. What matters is how one acts, talks, dresses. Wearing a hoodie in the summer does not do anything but say that "This way I can do something criminal and you/the security camera won't see my face." You know this, but you are a loser. The overwhelming majority of people in the world, all races, are with me, of course. Street neggas are street neggas, and the fewer of them in the world, the better.


I'm a black woman and I am ashamed that you aren't ashamed. By stating that a 12 yr old child deserved to die. You need to stop the madness and come back to reality. You truly need physiologic HELP!!!!


Well there you are then, addressing political views on a movie site, furthermore, with all your political diatribe unleashed, you have failed to distinguish between the two principle ideas that bisect your feeble incoherent argument: assimilation against integration. The two are not the same you idiot! Finally this is a movie site, I said this movie is wasted on Americans due to their convictions. This bear trap I laid out was precisely for idiots like you to fall into. So pry open the teeth and step out, you've had your fun.


There is no "Democrat Party".


When they earn the right to be respected enough to be addressed by their "official" name, I will do so. As it is now, they are corrupted moderate right-wingers who practice identity politics for votes and could care less about those who really need a helping hand. There is truly only one political party, the Republicrats, with a far right wing and a moderate right wing. Most of America has no representation in Congress and is therefore tyrannically taxed. Most Americans are uninformed idiots. They would rather themselves and their families have less rather than more and their votes reflect that.
