Wayans or Sandler?

Which one of the two makes more groan-inducing and just flat out painfully UNFUNNY 'comedies' in your opinion(s)?

"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".


I'm going to have to say Sandler. Wayans is actually a decent actor who is either just making bad career decisions or not getting better opportunities.

Just help STUPID


Agreed. Also, when Wayans does a movie like this, it just feels like he really wants to do what his older brothers did more successfully, but it just coming up short. He seems like he's trying...

But, Sandler - it's been awhile since I've seen him in a movie where he wasn't just going through the motions.

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


Yeah, it's like Sandler decided that since he had some success in the '90s he might as well keep doing whatever he was doing. If he'd taken some risks around the same time that Jim Carey started to I think we possibly could have seen more, but at the end of the day he doesn't do much more than learn his lines.

Just help STUPID


He seemed like he might try with Punch Drunk Love (which I thought was great), but then just slipped right back into his comfort zone...

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


Yep. Don't know if you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but he appeared on it as himself and it was probably the first time in years I've laughed at something he did.

Just help STUPID


Nah, haven't seen that show. If I'm going to watch a NY-based show, it's gotta be one from The Bronk.

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


I thought you would have liked shows based around New Jersey, NY...

Anyway, it was just Sandler playing himself, and briefly being given crap for the kind of movies he makes. He played along like a champ.

Just help STUPID


Yeah, I would probably dig that - I give people a little more leeway when they can at least poke fun at themselves.

I kinda gained a little appreciation for Dane Cook after he did his appearance on Louie...

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


Haven't seen that, I'll have to look for a clip.

Just help STUPID


You definitely gotta know the history on it first (if you don't already). There was a pretty big uproar for awhile in the stand up world about people accusing Dane Cook of being a joke thief, particularly some of Louis CK's bits. If you read up on that, and then watch the clip, it's CRAZY cringeworthy, but I kinda respect Dane for being willing to do it. It was also pretty cool that Louis CK gave Dane the chance to tell his side.

DON'T watch the only clip I could find on YouTube, though - it's short and leaves out some of the meat. Try to find the original episode and fast forward to it, if you can... Season 2, Episode 7.

Also, read this first (even if you know the story): http://www.ew.com/article/2011/09/22/dane-cook-louie-cameo

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


Thanks, I'll find the whole episode. I knew of the controversy surrounding his material but I didn't know the Louis CK connection. Awkward.

Just help STUPID


SUCH a great scene. Really, if you haven't seen it, every episode of that show is freaking great.

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


It's a valid question. It's just too close for me to call. I think they're both amiable guys, but dumb unfunny movies seems to be their trademark.


Both of them do OK when they are not writing their own movie. Wayans is unoriginal and Sanders is puerile.

But give either a movie that someone with talent actually wrote, there's a decent chance they'll do a good job.

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.


Marlon Wayans- 90 Minute Movies with Racial Jokes and Fart Jokes
Adam Sandler- 90-120 Minute Movies with Fart Jokes (Don't Bring Up Ridiculous Six)

I'll take Jack & Jill over Haunted House 2 anyday.


Equally as bad.
