I just saw! Holy ****, I'm so not happy about this. The casting news has been great up until now.


Yea, I kind of agree. Though I'm not 100% on board for Elton John either. I think there was some impressive actors in the first film while I like Elton and Channing just fine it doesn't really fit... but maybe they're both playing themselves as the influential people that Valentine captured but didn't implant.


I would assume he's playing the cowboy character named Jack.


Pedro Pascal is playing the cowboy


I'm honestly fine with Elton John. Because technically he really can't get a big role in this, his profession is not acting (even though he had small acting jobs where, well, as you said, he plays himself), so he's probably going to get a short cameo. His name is huge that's why the information is spreading, but yeah, I'm fully convinced he won't get more than a cameo in this, so I'm with it.

While Channing... that's another story. He's apparently going to get a bigger part (he gets his own bloody poster! ugh), and he's just not a good choice for this film. Nor is he a good actor - if Vaughn gets out of him a solid performance it'll be a miracle.


I saw, I guess it's just wishful thinking. I liked Harry, Eggsy, Merlin and Roxy so much in the first one I don't want them to be elbowed to the back burner for newbies.

Though, I do trust Matthew Vaughn to make another fun action packed spy movie, so I'm still excited regardless of all the casting news.


Yes, yes, yes! Exactly! I totally agree. I'm in for the original characters that are left from the first feature, I don't want a new character to get a bigger role than them. Just no. Why put aside the other characters to give space to a new one when everyone's attached to the originals and is going to see the sequel for them.

I'm with you, I'm really putting all my trust in Vaughn and I hope he maintains the quality of the first film.


Yea, for sure. It can just be a little overwhelming when there are so many new cast members. There's a pretty big spotlight to share, but I'm greedy for my favourites.

Now just watch, after The Golden Circle I'm going to want a spinoff of the new characters and it's be a bigger franchise than Bond. Haha!


actually The Golden Circle will probably be the villains in this, and given the second poster, the title looked to be a nod to The Knights of the Golden Circle, which was a secret society formed in the 1850s that advocated the Secession of the Southern States and the war to acquire addition territories from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean to create a super slave holding nation for the wealthy. When the civil war didn't pan out of them many went on to form the Ku Klux Klan(the ku Klux part of the name is a corruption of the greek word kuklos which means Circle)


Ooh boy. Probably not going to be clamouring for a spinoff then. Heh. Thanks for the info.


What are you talking about?

Tatum can be spot on

Have you seen his work with Soderbergh?


I just saw! Holy ****, I'm so not happy about this. The casting news has been great up until now.

Yeah. It made me go "What? But why? It won't fit with the rest of the cast", I have a feeling he's going to stand out like a sore thumb. Don't get me wrong, I like Tatum. Just don't see him fitting into this film.


Well, many don't fit in the roles they are given in the Kingsman film(s) but that's why it's great, because Vaughn makes it work. The problem with Tatum is (and I have nothing against him as a person) that he cannot act. He's going to stand out so very badly because of his lack of acting skills. What we need to hope here is that Vaughn manages to make him do a decent performance.



If they needed a pretty boy, couldn't they go for Matt Bomer instead? I don't find Channing attractive at all.


Channing Tatum is good for the box office. If he'll do your movie, you try to find a role or him.


Yeah, because a film filled with stars needs him to get more money. But if you want a good looking guy who would draw women to the cinema, there are Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, for example.

The second part of your comment is just plain stupid. If you can't make a decent argument defending your hero, why bother at all? Oh. Wait.


My "hero"? I've never really typed this before, but "LOL". I don't even like the guy, but he can bring people to see this movie that may otherwise not be interested. It's just common sense. He's a hotter name than the 3 guys you just mentioned. We don't even know yet, he may not have a big part in this film.


his box office appeal is way overstated, he's in Hail Cesar, but that movie flopped...and Jupiter Ascending made 1/2 of what Kingsman did...

this tatum guy is like a really boring himbo who will definitely be outshone by the rest of the cast with his passable-at-best acting talent and zero star factor...hope he's there for a small part, so at least his fangirls will generate some buzz retweeting his publicity pics on twitter...that seems to be the only value he will bring to the movie...


You keep riding that dying horse, pretty much everyone that matters has stopped and the horse might get sad.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


we are talking about the same actor that was nominated for the worst actor award at the razzies this year, right?

This is a movie where everyone with a significant role has at least a nod from industry insiders, eg BAFTA or oscar nomination/win to their name....compare that to Tatum who got nada, well.. unless you count the worst actor nom from the razzies ...so who are these ppl that "matters" who got off this imaginary horse? let me tell you, he's not in the same league as the rest of the cast.....he's good enough for some hollywood teen heartthrob b-movie where everybody else can't act, but this is a movie where everyone is an acting heavyweight, a lightweight like him will stick out like a sore thumb...


we are talking about the same actor that was nominated for the worst actor award at the razzies this year, right?

In a movie that was nominated for everything? Yeah.
Mila Kunis (for some, the best thing from one of the best movies of the past ten years) got nominated too. Hell, oscar winner Redmayne won.

Your point there really falls on its face.

As for the people that matter: Tarantino, the Coens, Soderbergh, other actors, etc.

he's good enough for some hollywood teen heartthrob b-movie where everybody else can't act, but this is a movie where everyone is an acting heavyweight, a lightweight like him will stick out like a sore thumb...

You mean like in Side Effects or the Hateful Eight or Hail Caesar? Heh, a lot of people considered him outright a highlight of that last one, even among those who hated it.

If anything, one would think a moron who still sticks to the five-year-past-its-time narrative of Tatum being a bad actor would admit that he's a better fit for Kingsman than those three examples: Both Jump Street movies were very well received and the tone is somewhat similar.

But like I said, keep on riding that horse. Opinions are allowed to be wrong.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


According to your logic, the razzies isn't legit because some of the actors YOU approve of won it. The Oscars have winners that are considered bad actors to many ppl as well, does it mean the Oscars have no credibility? You can't cherry-pick your way out. Redmayne has plenty of industry acclaim to back him up. Your god, Tatum can't even get a single nomination from the industry, ZERO critic awards and even nominations are far and few in between..it's a pretty bad track record for a prolific high profile actor. So NO, the industry doesn't agree with you.

Don't tell me you were born yesterday or just born stupid. Have you heard of lip service? Directors/stars compliment each other in front of the media all the time. It's called "my movie has a great cast, buy your tickets" DUH! When award time comes, nobody is voting for him..so W.F.C.

I didn't call him a bad actor...let me repeat: he is a passable, average actor at best...his lack of award recognition is proof of it..you obviously can't tell the difference between a great nuanced actor from an average one....you're nothing but a logically impaired desperate fangirl.

Yeah, I wonder about that imaginary horse..seems like you got your butt on it along with Tatum's director buddies...


Fella, I get it, you're one of the morons who need stuff like awards to decide who you think is good or bad. You literally cannot think for yourself... but that doesn't really counter anything I've written.

But, since you're a fan of buzz: Literally the only movie of Tatum that has gotten bad reviews in the last three years was Jupiter Ascending, and even among critics, the consensus was that the Wachowskis are hacks that wasted a good cast.

And the "industry" are the people who made the movies, everyone else are just people who have jobs thanks to the ones that actually made the movies; they're the sheep eating from the filmmakers' proverbial pastures.
And some of the most respected people who make movies, the ones who are the kind who get to cherry pick their casts, have worked with Tatum.

No matter how hard you try, you can't reject the reality of those two facts.

PS: By the way, excellent job, nothing says more about how much one knows about movies than dismissing people like the Coens, Tarantino or Soderbergh as "buddy directors", I wouldn't have gotten you to embarrass yourself that perfectly if I had tried.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


Ms "whoever matters says he's great" "so and so won an oscar" "critics didn't give him bad reviews", etc.. is talking about "thinking for ourselves"??..something I didn't think you're capable of. I guess when these industry benchmarks aren't in favour of your argument, we need to ignore them....
I do think for myself...hence, he's passable at best, remember? ..and the industry is behind me...

Yeah, yeah... You do know the Oscar nominees in the actor category are nominated by actors, right? I guess they are just bottom feeders who know nothing about acting unlike the big name directors? Please just put yourself out of your misery....and these directors you wet your pants over, they've worked with plenty of mediocre actors/actresses ..Uma Thurman, remember?
Working with big name directors =/= cream of hollywood acting.....hence, that P.S. does nothing but declares to the world that you are a brain-dead sheeple...

As for your other point, why would I expect critics to give him a bad review...I never said he's horrible...he's just average...so yet another logic lacking strawman argument on your part...,and aren't the critics just bottom feeders who know nothing about acting, unlike the actual filmakers?..you know, according to your pitiful logic...


I'm a guy, champ. How hilariously prejudiced you seem to be; which is of course not surprising coming from the average IMDB moron.

"whoever matters says he's great" "so and so won an oscar" "critics didn't give him bad reviews", etc.. is talking about "thinking for ourselves"??

I literally prefaced my mention of the critics by pointing out that you're the one who's a fan of buzz.
That's what I've been doing this entire discussion: Pointing out the buzz really doesn't agree with you despite how it seems to do agree in your reality.

Hilariously, it took me making it explicit that that's what I'm doing for you to try to call me out on that. And in an internet forum, where everything is written in ink of all places.

I mean, seriously, how stupid are you? Completely, of course.

Yeah, yeah... You do know the Oscar nominees in the actor category are nominated by actors, right?

Dude, seriously, start thinking for yourself and stop thinking that the Oscars are the be-all, end-all: http://www.filmsite.org/noawards3.html

they've worked with plenty of mediocre actors/actresses ..Uma Thurman, remember?

You mean oscar-nominated Uma Thurman? Man, you might be bipolar, you both try to make your point and undermine it in the same sentence.
Of course, I'm not kind enough to give you the benefit of the doubt of mental problems; you're just a regular idiot.

BTW, Kill Bill (vol. 1) is my favorite Tarantino movie. 

does nothing but declares to the world that you are a brain-dead sheeple...

Aw, now you're imitating me. Well I'm appropriately flattered, thank you.

so yet another logic lacking strawman argument on your part

Define "strawman argument" and explain how what I said about the critics is a strawman in this discussion. Do. It.

and aren't the critics just bottom feeders who know nothing about acting, unlike the actual filmakers?..you know, according to your pitiful logic...

Yes, they are, but, like I pointed out in my previous post in a statement that you decided to ignore because you're a really, really stupid person with self-serving memory who rejects reality (in the internet, for all to see, because pointing that out will never be not funny), you're a fan of buzz, which is why I mentioned them.

And stop mentioning logic, it's obvious that you have never set foot in an university, much less studied in a field that actually deals with logic.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"



I can see you are really grasping at straws...I got on your nerves bad..

The best way to show one is the one getting rattled by a discussion is to be the first to say "I got on your nerves", "relax", "you're angry", etc.
Because it happened to you, it has to have happened to the other person.
Sorry, champ, I've been having fun here, as evidenced by the fact that, unlike you (who's been scouting this thread all day, every day, hoping and waiting for replies, always replying immediately), I only reply when I remember this thread exists and it tickles my fancy.

Anyway, besides addressing that always-funny comment, I'm cutting off. You showed how shallow your point is and how pathetic your debating is by merely repeating yourself over and over so much that, hilariously enough, my first reply is still apt; so I'll finish by stating it again, in different words:

Keep living in your own world, champ; the real world changed its tune long ago.

PS: You brought my gender several posts ago by calling me a "fangirl" and then "Ms". Yet another proof that you seriously seem to have weird self-serving memory issues. Except (again) they're not issues; you're just an idiot.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


Duh! Obviously, you were sooooo grasping at straws because you even resorted to nitpicking about me calling you Ms....shows you are pulling all stops trying to discredit me...

You do know you're logically impaired, right? Telling somebody to "relax" or "you're angry" means you're the one angry and not relaxed?...no, no!......so by the same logic, when you call somebody a moron, it means you know u're the moron?...when you called me a sheeple, it means you are the actual sheeple (which ur blind allegiance to critic commentary proves), right? Oh, I get it.. you have an unhealthy tendency to project your own emotional frustrations onto others...maybe you should seek medical help. Obviously, your reverse-accusation theory has some validity, but only when you're the subject.

..and the fact that my post was reported and deleted is further prove that my previous post humiliated you so much, you couldn't bear to see it...but I reposted it..have fun..
which I notice is your routine here when you couldn't handle the reply.....
No, if you actually enjoyed this debate, you'd leave my post there and have fun with it instead of destroying the evidence and pretend that there's nothing worthy to reply to.....I've been checking this board daily because I enjoyed watching you writhing in your messed up logic and keep exposing your lies...if you enjoyed this discussion...you wouldn't have disappeared for days last week...don't tell me you couldn't even spare 15 minutes to do something you enjoyed so much? The fact that you went out of your way to announce how much fun you're having shows you're having no fun at all...<--- this is according to your theory about reverse-accusations. You are obviously a really frustrated person who can't even face the truth in the real world...

### I reposted what you reported/deleted...don't think you can get away with it :-P ###...ppl can tell you're all full of it. Basically, your claims that tatum is a top calibre talent has no basis..you and his fangirls are the only ones who consider him a heavyweight in terms of acting. Lack of critical acclaim and industry insider acclaim is a FACT. He's won no awards in both the critics and industry circle, whatsoever ...your last refuge has deteriorated to some online site that tries to discredit the Oscars, but even that site didn't mention Tatum on his list of oscar snubbed talents...so in the human world, nobody is siding with you... this discussion should've been over long ago, but you couldn't face defeat...so your last resort was to get my post deleted and pretend you got the last word..I read you like a book.

PS. Look, aren't we over this MS./gender issue already?...it's ok for you to like men.. You're obviously having some internal struggles (along with alot of other struggles) with your gender preference that you keep making an issue out of that irrelevant comment, twice in one reply. Let me say this again, that obviously struck a nerve...



so you reported my reply out of shame...I'm going to repost..

I can see you're grasping at straws... I'm obviously getting on your nevers.
Can you imagine how simple minded you are? I know what gender you belong to, I've frequented this board long enough to remember that you are man who drools over men.., hence I call you Ms., DUH! What's next, picking

out spelling errors?

What buzz? It has to do with a group of industry actors who didn't think your man is not acclaim worthy, moron.
The fact that you keep reading movie reviews, remembering the quotes of these critics, who in your opinion are bottom feeders shows you are a schizophrenic sheeple that belongs to the psychiatric ward.

http://www.filmsite.org/noawards3.html <--- Are you kidding me?
Posting a link to a random film site with a list of oscar snubbed actors that the webmaster believe are deserving of oscar nominations? So you would take the opinion of a bottom feeder over a panel of professional actors?
What's sadder is, he didn't even include your god Tatum on this list. Stop cherry picking, lol....I feel like I'm talking to a logically incompetent 5 year old.

Uma thurman has been in the industry for decades, with only 1 nomination from the oscars, so yeah, she has a really bad scorecard compared to many talented high profile actresses...She is mediocre by industry

standards..So are you saying you actually considers her to be a top of the line hollywood actress? I'd laugh in your face for real. Sadly, Tatum doesn't even get as much accolade as her, so it's pretty obvious nobody

agrees with you about his acting talent....so you're the only delusional idiot who lets your raging hormone decides that he is oscar level....

So really, nobody except you even believe this guy is oscar material....no critics award, no industry awards..not even the list you posted..you haven't shown me anything to show that your claims aren't something that belongs to a someone from a madhouse....everything you mentioned has been refuted. It's just you you you, your opinion, which is irrelevant...you know nothing about acting..you have really tacky taste in actors, there's nothing you can do to prove your point...nobody is behind you.


don't dare try to report/delete my post again...i now have it saved on computer...I will repost it the next day
You obviously have very low self-esteem if you can't even face my replies


I want you to read back over this little argument of yours and ask yourself if it was really worth it. Step away from the computer, man. Just walk away. It's laughably pathetic.

Back to the topic though, most of Tatum's detractors are men who are still butthurt over seeing intimidating male physiques on billboards everywhere when Magic Mike was released. Dude's a solid actor. He was great in The Hateful Eight, Hail Ceasar, MM and it's sequel (better movies than they had any right to be), showed serious comedy chops in the Jump Street movies, and was Oscar worthy in Foxcatcher. But hey, if you're willing to let your burning, irrational hatred for a beefcake movie star ruin a potentially brilliant movie for you, go right ahead. We'll be in the theatre, enjoying the film you boycotted.

This signature has been deleted by an administrator.


I think it's great news. Tatum has grown so much as an actor though and I can see him in this. More so than Sir Elton John. Gambit has been pushed back and Fox doesn't wanna lose him here. I would love to see him and Eggsy going against Julianne Moore's character. If he can transform from 21 Jump Street to Magic Mike to Foxxatcher, he's gonna be really good for this, especially with Vaughn directing!


With Gambit not happening any time soon, it left a big opening in Tatum's schedule. I'm fine with Tatum but all of you Tatum haters can blame the pushback/cancelation of Gambit as to why he's in this movie.




I am curious as to what role he will be playing.


Great news, this movie's cast keeps getting better. So much so that reviving dead people really isn't needed.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"



Just why....................................


This is the worst news about this great series, another sequel botched up? I believe so...


Pretty to look at but man he can't act. I wince when he tries, it's painful. I guess that's why he's shirtless in most of the movies he's been in. Are they hoping the audience won't notice he can't act? 
