Why is Holocaust denial an old man's game?
One of the things you'll notice quickly when you look at the front rank of Holocaust deniers is their advanced ages. Irving and Ernst "The Hitler We Loved and Why" Zündel are both nearly 80; Leuchter is 75, the National Alliance's Mark Weber is 65, Butz over 80, Faurisson almost ninety. The neo-McCarthyist Carto -- self-declared enemy of "Judeobolshevism" -- died earlier this year at 89, and CODOH's Bradley Smith died earlier this year at 86. The only Holocaust denier of any renown under 65 (aside from Ahmadinejad, the demolished clown) is Rudolf, who's crossed the Rubicon of fifty.
Being old isn't bad, natch. But still, it brings an obvious question -- why is there no new generation of Holocaust deniers of any importance? When your movement fritzes out under sixty and vanishes under fifty, what does it tell you?
I think it's the two-edged sword of the internet.
Sure, the internet makes it possible for anybody to get free access to Holocaust denial material, and in that sense it's been good for the goose-steppers. But that same free-ness also means the movement has been demonetized. You can no longer make a career in selling Holocaust denial glop, because so much is available for free.
Both CODOH and David Irving pretty much admit this by putting up their books up on the net as free PDFs. If these were actual moneymakers, they pretty obviously wouldn't do that.
Follow the money. There used to be money in Holocaust denial -- although admittedly a lot of it was in the form of schnorring rich fascists for donations for your "institute" the way Carto and the IHR sucked down money from Edison's granddaughter.
What does that mean in the long term? It means the new generation of scammers have decided that Holocaust denial is, as a "profession," too much work for too little profit. They have found other, easier, more lucrative scams to turn.
In particular, they've devolved Holocaust denial back to its white-power roots. The whole Carto/Irving experiment -- trying to mainstream it by disguising its jackbootitude, presenting it as a legitimate alternate history rather than the swastika-festooned foilfest it actually is -- straight-up failed. To the degree it will live on, it will be as just one more plank of the white-power manifesto, having learned that it can't be mainstreamed.