so, black goku (BG) is goku that changed bodies with zamasu. so, he is zamasu in gokus body...
but...which goku?
"future"goku is long dead.(heart virus, remember?)
"universe 10 goku"?...but is there a goku is universe 10?...the parallel universe to our universe (7) is universe 6 (remember the 13 rule?)...and there is no goku in universe 6.
"our goku"?...but zamusu was killed by beerus in our time could he have changed bodies with our goku?
and considering all this, who the hell is the zamusu that hangs with BG?...
BG in the end of the episode said that he killed goku after changing bodies with, he killed goku in zamasus body...
they really shouldnt mix parallel universes with different time lines...
Remember there are 4 timelines one of which has a still alive goku so it could be that goku or it may be trunks goku after he was dead but had his bodie restored as zamasu is a God of creation I guess he could do that which explains why black looks thinner and more pale
Yes, it's very confusing, but this was explained somewhat by Gowasu when he showed Zamasu the Time Rings, stating how time was changed. Basically, the are 2 Future Zamasu's from different timelines. Let me see if I can explain this properly based on how I interpret things.
Lets call the main timeline Timeline A, and Future Trunks' timeline Timeline B. Goku was dead in Timeline B, so the Zamasu of that timeline never found out about him. The Zamasu of Timeline A met Goku and realized he had the potential to become far stronger than he could ever hope to become. So, at some point in the future, he kills Gowasu and used the Super Dragon Balls to switch bodies with Goku (becoming Black) and then kill him in his old body. For some reason, he then uses the Time Ring to go to Timeline B and team up with the Zamasu of THAT timeline to wipe out humanity, presumably to destroy all humans in every reality/world, not just his own. It's possible he already destroyed all of humanity in his timeline, which is why he went to Timeline B.
Meanwhile, the Zamasu of Timeline B, since he never met Goku, made his own plan to wipe out humanity. He makes a wish on the Super Dragon Balls to become immortal, possibly learning of the Super Dragon Balls from Black. With both Black and Zamasu destroying the world, Trunks goes to Timeline A from before the Zamasu of Timeline A meets Goku and becomes Black. After discovering his plan, Beerus destroys the present day Zamasu of Timeline A before he has a chance to kill Gowasu and swap bodies with Goku. This undoes the future that Black/Zamasu would have done in Timeline A. However, the Zamasu/Black of the future of Timeline A was not affected by this change become he no longer exists in Timeline A's future, but in Timeline B, which is why he was still there and didn't just disappear. Future Trunks supports this by stating how he didn't just disappear since Timeline A and Timeline B are different worlds, and thus what happens in one will not affect what happens in the other.
So Beerus was right, he DID change the future of Timeline A in destroying present day Zamasu, but the future Zamasu/Black of Timeline A was not affected by this because he was in Timeline B, and so was unaffected.
That is not how it works other timelines aren't paradox shields so if that were true black should be dead.
What I think is true is black is the unseen time zamasu because that's the only other timeline with a goku who could reach the level of the gods which could get zamasu so attention
Black doesn't necessarily belong to Timeline A, we know that Zamasu from that timeline has been destroyed, but "if" Black was from Timeline C, then all would make sense. Also it's very possible that Black is from Timeline B, if the Super Dragon Balls granted Zamasu 2 wishes, one would be immortality, the second would be to resurrect Goku dead body and copy his soul/heart/brain to that Goku's body, then it's very possible that both are from Timeline B. Either way we'll find out in the next few episodes.