MovieChat Forums > The OA (2016) Discussion > Reactions to the Ending

Reactions to the Ending

The last dance scene made me laugh hysterically for a long time, but I still liked it somehow. It wasn't a condescending "you're so stupid" laugh, it was just amazement and disbelief at an extremely absurd situation. And I didn't think it ruined anything, for me it made it better, it was a viewing experience I was not expecting and I enjoyed it.

On the whole, pretty excellent show, some problems, but also some great stuff in there.


After I watched the first episode I quickly told my brother he should watch it. Then I binged watched it throughout the day. After watching the final episode with the silly dance routine I called my brother and told him maybe he should just skip it.
That was my reaction to the episode 8.


I thought the series "on the whole" was good, the end seemed a bit rushed, and yeah, i laughed at that dance scene too, felt like it was something off a Fatboy slim video. Hahaaha


I felt the ending was a total cop out and not worthy of all the promise that came before. There was fine acting and an intriguing story that led up to...a big let down. It reminds me of the great potential of the series 'Lost' that led to a shallow cheap ending.


The cafeteria scene was absolutely hilarious. I laughed at most of the movement scenes, but the final sequence was outrageous and unintentially funny. Yes, the ending is ridiculously lazy for an otherwise wildly imaginative tale, and not just becasue it is excessively unrealistic, but because it is truly uncompelling and unoriginal.

Overall, it is a good series with a fantastic production and countless good concepts.


Same here. First time I saw the dance, thought it was *beep* mental. My wife and I couldn't get over the absurdity and couldn't stop laughing. But, I think that was the point of it.
It reminded me of all the other *beep* mental things people do, especially in religion and shamanism, and how crazy it must seem to the uninitiated. It reminded me of ethnic witch doctors and people sitting in circles and speaking to god in tongues and *beep* like that.
Not my usual cup of tea, but I still think the show was excellent. They should not do a second season and should leave it be.


I discussed the cantina scene with my chiropractor (you got to talk about something else when practitioners like him perform the most absurd things with your body) and he was just as moved and awe struck as I was. Such courage from people on the receiving end of a gun! It was beautiful and uplifting.


I actually thought it was beautiful. I'm not someone who is easily moved, but this ended perfectly and left me choked up. I hope that the second series is just as good, and does the first series justice.

It's a truly original television show, but will not be to everyone's taste.


All through the season I thought the moves were goofy and embarrassing looking. But I was oddly moved when they did them in the cafeteria. It seemed brave somehow for them to do that.

Then later I started thinking, "Wait, what was Steve doing at school? His parents just hired someone to forcibly remove him to a boarding school and after being dramatically rescued, he just returns to school, business as usual?"

Then I started thinking, "Why was the FBI counselor in the Johnson's house in the middle of night and why didn't Alfonso question that? And why would he think a box of books that looked brand new and like they'd never been opened proved she was making everything up?" That looked planted.

Lots of logic lapses in this show!
