MovieChat Forums > Master of None (2015) Discussion > Eric Wareheim is the worst person on ear...

Eric Wareheim is the worst person on earth.

It's bad enough that this show is just "Louie Jr.", and that Aziz lacks the ability to carry the premise with his bland acting and barely formed character. But everyone else is even worse than he is, somehow.

A lot has been made of his parents, and they're clearly awkward and it pulls you right out of the show to slap you in the face with the fact that "OMG THOSE ARE HIS REAL PARENTS!!!". But the worst, by far, is Arnold - played by Eric Wareheim. Casting a guy who's notable solely for a show on Adult Swim where he dresses up like a moron and mugs at the camera for high 14 year olds puts it over the edge into insufferable territory. The guy is clearly out of his depth here, desperately trying to make his "zany" character work but consistently failing to do so. The writing is to blame too, sure. But the performance is embarrassingly bad all on its own. It's the same idiotic, one-note mugging retard bit that he does 100% of the time on Tim & Eric. He clearly doesn't know how to do anything else. And he is the single worst part of a show that already tries my patience with its attempts to be cute and clever (neither of which are ever achieved).


I'm sorry the kids never invited you to any birthday parties, but lighten up. Smoke a little bit and take the edge off, you'll like him more.


I thought he had some of the funnier lines in the series. He was easily the best of Dev's friends.


Politely and respectfully disagree.

I'm also sorry that Eric Wareheim murdered your parents.


You seem mad.


Eric Wareheim does feel out of place for sure. I admittedly like Tim & Eric, but that brand of humor seems totally out of place in this show.


I thought he stole every scene he was in. And I wasn't really into Tim & Eric. Never watched the show, saw the movie. Thought it had its moments, but would probably never watch it again. So I'm not some "Eric Wareheim fanboy" (if that's even a thing).

I found him to be quite funny in this show. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.


I agree with you.

Not only he seems like an awful person (pushing kids away from the bouncing castle, not helping his dad with the moving, etc), but also, there is nothing on his character that make him a likable person.
I know that hes there just to try to look funny by being awkward, but he's just a jerk. I cant think any reason why any of the guys is friends with him, or even so, how any woman pay him attention.


I don't hate him, but he really doesn't fit in anywhere in this show. Compared to the leads he seems slow and not very bright. His character doesn't really add anything, and I see why Denise almost never interacts with him directly and usually goes through Dev. I would do the same thing.


About 60% of the time Arnold just seems fake and unbelievable, and then sometimes I like his character and the role he plays.

I don't like how Aziz uses him for both an intimate buddy for advice and then a clown. I would never take advice or even confide in an idiot like that guy, but sometimes his character works.
