MovieChat Forums > Master of None (2015) Discussion > Indians are so Whitewashed

Indians are so Whitewashed

And I thought Asians worshipped whites. Indians are worse (Mindy kaling) . I like the show but I'm knocking a point off for the white woman worship. 7.5/10


Knocking a point off for the 2 white women slept with in the 10 episodes?

One was a fling. One was his girlfriend for several episodes.

Why do you people keep making this an issue? Are you guys really that bored? This really is nothing.

Why is it weird for a minority to be attracted to white women? It's weird that you think they should stay in their own race. Yes, that's how you are coming off.



Lol I'm not white first of all. Second, why do white people think all Blacks want them? Get over yourself. I don't think Indians should date Indians but aziz and Mindy Kaling obviously worship the pale vampires.


Wow, two whole examples and the entire race loves us. 

Second, why do white people think all Blacks want them?

straw man

a weak or imaginary argument or opponent that is set up to be easily defeated

Yep, that fits.



"The pale vampires"---ha ha ha ha ha! I like that one! But,yeah, it sad to see that like Kaling, Ansari apparently is hung up on white folks, which is sad. There's a lot of discussion on her board about she only had white boys on her show for the 1st season,too. Apparently, they both feel getting with a white person is the ultimate prize----which is pretty sickening---just shows how non-white people are brainwashed into buying into that whole white supremacy bull****.


Indians are Asian.

I'm fine with people liking whoever they like and don't spend any time wondering why they're not dating other races.


Most people are fine with it. The ones that have a problem with it are probably single and can't figure out why.


Racially Indians are not Asian. Only in America where people are ignorant like you are they classified as "Asian" which is a race.


Technically if you are from the continent of Asia you are Asian.

I don't make the rules. I just know what words mean.


No in the United States "Asian" is a race.

And the only rule your talking about is one made up by ignorant Americans.


Yep, so is African.......for people that are from Africa.

Next? 

Is there a point hidden your ignorant rant?


African isn't a race in America you idiot.

"Black" is. so is "White". Asian does not fit in that as it is a landmass not a race. Get it?


African isn't a race in America you idiot.

"Black" is. so is "White". Asian does not fit in that as it is a landmass not a race. Get it?

Oh, I get it. So according to you we should be referring to people from the landmass of Asia as...."yellow?" Does that fit your paradigm?


@doggie_rodriguez by your logic, Aziz Ansari should be considered an American. Born and raised in the USA.


@doggie_rodriguez by your logic, Aziz Ansari should be considered an American. Born and raised in the USA.

Huh? Of course Aziz is American. But culturally, he descends from India which is considered (not only by the US government as another poster as claimed) to be a south Asian country and both the US and UK, amongst others, identify people from here as "Asians."

Why is this so hard to understand?


@doggie_rodriguez by your logic, Aziz Ansari should be considered an American. Born and raised in the USA.

I do consider him an American. 

Why did your brain tell you to say that dumb thing?


Completely wrong. I find too many people believe in the stereotypes. Indians and Oriental BORN in North America, don't speak with accents. They went to the same schools as everyone, followed the same media, and became friends with the neighborhood kids. Look beyond the color, religion, cultural differences, etc., and you'll find they're no different than regular Canadians and Americans.

Mindy Kaling and Aziz Ansari are just being themselves, and they're not giving into the stereotypes.


I didn't say they had to have accents or anything regarding their culture or how they were raised. Stop projecting what you think I mean. It's clear they both think of whites as "high class" or some sort of status symbol. I'm merely pointing out that too many non whites put whites on a pedestal. The only ones who really don't are Blacks.


Where did it ever come up that they think of white people as "high class"? His best friends on the show are Indian, Asian, black and white... You're creating a problem where one really doesn't exist. Its people like you who perpetuate racism because you just can't let it go.


And you can't see the other side because you're probably white. Go bake some cookies or something.


His best friends on the show are Indian, Asian, black and white... You're creating a problem where one really doesn't exist.


I can't believe how many idiots are talking about race in this show that is mostly minorities. Some people need to get jobs (or girlfriends) b/c this is a total non-issue.


I just find it disingenuous that this show has the episode "Indians on TV" where he complains about the limited use of Indian people on film, but you only get to see other Indian actors on for just three episodes. I like the show, but that left a bad taste in my mouth. Hell Aziz is the executive producer, why did he let this happen?


I just find it disingenuous that this show has the episode "Indians on TV" where he complains about the limited use of Indian people on film, but you only get to see other Indian actors on for just three episodes. I like the show, but that left a bad taste in my mouth. Hell Aziz is the executive producer, why did he let this happen?

He wasn't just complaining about the limited use of Indian actors he was more upset that white people were traditionally cast in Indian roles or that every Indian role called for a stereotype. It wasn't a matter of counting up every second of screen time for the additional Indian actors that appear throughout the series.

Given that one of Aziz's best friend is Asian and the other is African American lesbian, I think he's really not to blame for not being inclusive enough in his show.


Given that one of Aziz's best friend is Asian and the other is African American lesbian, I think he's really not to blame for not being inclusive enough in his show.

Yeah but he banged two white chicks so he hates minorities now b/c a couple roles were filled by white people. 


No one ever said he hates minorities. How the hell can a minority hate a minority? Stop projecting and read my OP again since you clearly missed my point.


How the hell can a minority hate a minority?

That line might be one of the stupidest things I've ever read on this site. And this site is known for idiotic posts. I mean, it's kind of their thing.

Um, people can hate anyone. Do you really think all minorities get along? There is prejudice among all races, minority or not.

Stop projecting and read my OP again since you clearly missed my point.

It's really easy to miss something that's not there.


He didn't complain about the limited use of Indian people in film he complained about how they were being used. That's why he didn't want to do the accent.


Thank you that's my point. I thought that was a great episode but at the same time he sort of does it in his very own show and it definitely comes across as disingenuous.


You can have one, but you can't have two ;-)


Nope it doesn't and I don't care what you or anyone thinks.



Sorry but white worship does exist and it is an issue if your brown. You two probably won't get it because you're not brown but if you actually grew up in an indian dominated communities in the West you'll find that there is a big difference in the way most indians tend to treat whites compared to those of the same ethnic background. They'll generally be more pleasent and talkative with them in an attempt to gain their favour while being cold and ride to any other brown person that is not part of their clique. Whites are seen as a status symbol in indian society. The more white friends you have the more you're seen as being 'above' others in indian society. You're considered even greater if you're in a relationship with a white person simply because of the skin colour, regardless of how physically attractive they are. Sad I know.


I am not trying to sound prejudiced because it's not really true... it really depends on the person but there is a stereotype that white people will always see it a certain way regardless of what's going on or what people are saying... like they would be like 'wow all em indians love white people' at a buffet in a bollywood film festival...' but not all, but would you even get it though? I don't know.


I'm not Indian but from one of those countries where Americans say "why can't you be Indian" or just pretend, and then there's whole 'native american' controversy showing the innate Indian bias American people have... or would have if you were from sort of around there but not there clearly.

I think white people worship Indians quite frankly because they are sensible and moderate. They are skinny on fat so if the fat guy was right then everyone would have the knowledge and that's the most fundamentally strong type of knowledge to be more likely to work on the masses... or at least when you find your thing. But Americans are on India's nuts though; that's no joke.

You know what it is about white women though? It's like women fell from the sky if you are American and you would go for that. But if I could have it any way it would be hispanics for me and probably most others. It's like you got a little bit of everything there.

And some of them look white anyway. But some of them could look black or Indian even. That's another advantage. There are even plenty of hispanic blondes and redhead. It's pretty hard to go against hispanic.

The only women 'hispanic' wouldn't shut down is East Asian but relatively speaking they lack diversity... so that would put them at two.

Other than that it's hard to go against hispanic.
