Worst actor on the show award goes to...
Candidate 1: Brian. I can't figure out if he's over-acting or what. He's talking past Dev as they interact.
Candidate 2: Dev's mom. Why does she sound like an insomniac robot? She has no expressions on her face. No inflection in her voice. She looks constipated. At the very least, she's not having fun at all. Candidate 2a: Dev's dad. WTF was that scene with the iPad?
Candidate 3: Denise. Is she supposed to be the stereotypical homie lesbian stud? Why are she and Dev friends? I can justify the friendship Dev has with just about any of the others, but I can't figure out why they have anything in common that would qualify them as friends.
I just cannot decide! I don't mind Arnold and Aziz is of course a wonderful actor (super timing, delivery of lines, he's too funny for who he's interacting with.)
Is this show supposed to be another Seinfeld-type show? Another Louie? A Curb Your Enthusiasm? I just can't get into it. Those shows about every day life (AKA "Nothing"), had something this show doesn't have.... a talented supporting cast. You can't just rely on your front-runner to carry the show unless the show is about how your front-runner interacts with random people, not reoccurring characters we're supposed to get to know.
I really love Aziz's comedy. And I LOVED his character in Parks and Rec. I want to like this show so dang much, but I'm on episode 4 and feel like I'm bored. It's forced. I'm home sick from work today and cruising through Netflix. I can't see how any other time in my life I could sit through this show unless I was bound to the couch with sickness, like I am today. I hope this gets better. Or I do. Something's gotta give.