Sick of this crap
Please, God, stop them from making any more stupid comic book movies. Ya'll hate me now. Funny thing is, I couldn't care less (or as you would say, "could care less").
sharePlease, God, stop them from making any more stupid comic book movies. Ya'll hate me now. Funny thing is, I couldn't care less (or as you would say, "could care less").
shareFish don't fry in the kiitcheeeen, bees don't burn on the grill.
shareDon't like CBM? Don't watch 'em.
shareYou could always read a book and simply ignore media that sends you into a tailspin of impotent rage.
shareWhy are you watching a genre that you don't enjoy? Please know this is predomniantly for kids. And the kids in my life love this type of stuff. It is not meant to be for old jaded grownups, and for that reason if you choose to watch something like this and not simultaneosly suspend all disbelief, then you won't enjoy it..
But again, why watch something you don't enjoy? And why must they stop making it when clearly other people do want to watch it? What does it take from your life if other people enjoy watching something that you have the option of not watching or posting about at all? Do you mean they must stop making it so other people can't watch it? Well, that would just be silly.
And why would I say "could care less"? It makes no sense. "Couldn't care less" means there is no possible way for me to care any less. "Could care less" says I have a level of care that could be diminished. For example, I couldn't care less about your opinion since you are watching a genre of movies that you don't enjoy and could do literally anything else with your time.
Shut the fuck up already. I'm fucking sick of pretentious fucks like you complaining about superhero movies. This year there's only eight total being released out of thousands of films being made worldwide every year. No one gives a fuck what you think about it.
shareWell hold your nose and shut your mouth!