If you love animals, boycott this movie!
A few months ago it was reported that a pony died on the set of this Film, as an animal rights activist i'm boycotting this Flick now. It was obviously an accident, but that isn't the point, someone should have been looking after the animal properly.
As an animal lover there's no way that i would be able to sit and enjoy this movie knowing that an innocent animal was accidentally killed while making this.
This is a sign that they should stop making these Fast and Furious Movies, 8 movies is enough, good grief! If Universal Pictures loves fast car Flicks so much just make different ones with a different title for goodness sake!
Anyway i'm personally boycotting this stupid movie, and i urge other animal lovers to do the same, you need to make a stand. Just like vegetarians, we don't eat meat for a reason, if you love animals you'll do what is right by them.