Uh, that's what MOST indie filmmakers/screenwriters do and have always done---
...I guess
speak through their characters
Spike is a vocal man in his own right without any filters. And as much as I enjoy Spike's work, he and it are not synonymous. If Spike has words to say about Ben Carson, good, bad, or otherwise, I'd rather hear it from
his mouth. Putting it into his character's mouths is not only tacky, but disruptive to the suspension of disbelief. And with the gimmick
Chiraq runs off of, suspension of disbelief is crucial to the narrative.
Plus Spike isn't obligated to bring up or mention Bill Cosby simply because he's black, thank you very much.
Spike voluntarily crossed the line by mentioning Black contemporary public figures, namely Ben Carson, in a condescending way. With that being said, it's pretty irresponsible to call out Ben Carson of all people and not mention at all the center of a recent, controversial scandal, Bill Cosby. And that's whether you love him and believe he's innocent or hate him and believe he's guilty.
You are...my fire
The one...desire
Believe...when I say
IIII waaant it thaaat way