Spike Lee bitter towards whites
He needs therapy!
shareHe is an old black man who was exposed to a lot of racism growing up. I think he has earned the right to be bitter towards white people
shareThat's right Josh. He should hold on to his anger, bitterness and hatred all the way to the grave. Die a bitter old ___ man (fill in your own adjective).
It's that mentality that slows the healing in this country. Ya, there's racism... from both, or all sides (Black, White, Asian, Caribbean Islanders, American Indian, Eskimo). Everyone has their prejudices. And by your reckoning, they "earned them" and should hold on to the al the way to the grave...
Good call, buck-o
(Can you FEEEL the sarcasm??)
Kind of sounds more like the OP is bitter towards Spike Lee. Nothing in this film really showcases much bitterness towards white people. You should maybe try to discuss the actual movie and leave your personal analysis of Spike Lee for another time.
Although I don't necessarily agree with the OP I'd say there is plenty of bitterness towards whites showcased in the movie.
The blame even on the kid getting shot at one point is blamed on white people, with the speech about NRA and claims of the government shipping guns to the ghetto so they will kill eachother.
All said by John Cusaks character who's of course white, and most likely was turned white for the sole reason so it would feel 'less bad' and less like 70's paranoia if those ideas came out of his mouth than a black guy.
Sometimes it's better to keep the genie in the bottle.
this is a troll thread. nothing to do with the movie.
"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."