How much nudity?

How much nudity is in this? One scene or many? Wondering if ok for a teenager...


There is nudity in the movie, all of it is full exposed butt shots. There are no female breasts shown or sexual organs, but there are at least 2 scenes where there is no doubt sexual intercourse is going on. There are a decent amount of clothed booty shots, and partially exposed butt cheeks.

The concerned issue may actually be about the subject matter, and the language which is used. Do you believe you can sit down in a movie theater next to those very teens and watch the movie? If they have access to HBO, internet, and DVD, what is seen in this movie can be considered lightweight.




Haven't seen the flick--but does Nick Cannon show anything, despite trying to have that wholesome image he likes to project on TV???


How about you see the movie?



Did you somehow forget about the VIOLENCE? Which should be by far the most concerning thing.


There is a graphic scene where a gangster gives his girlfriend a zombie mask......


Not much nudity, but plenty of violence. Maybe that should be more the concern for your teengager, or is excessive, gratuitous violence somehow ok while a little nudity and sex isn't? Kinda messed up to think that.

