A statement by a default MGTOW
This is just a statement that I'm going to make; and it's not meant to offend anyone who reads it (male or female). My statement isn't even about the film itself or how good or bad I thought it was. I don't have much to say or care about the racial message in this film, because I'm a whitebread who lives in a safe city with no discernible gun-related violence. My statement, or observation, relates to the tool used by Lysistrata to exact change for her people: The Sex Strike.
While I have a healthy sense of exercising suspension of disbelief when I watch movies, the following kept nagging at me throughout this one. Withholding sex couldn't work today. There is printed media porn (along with masturbatory option), internet porn (also with masturbatory option), women who would betray the cause, prostitutes who would not honor the cause (whether openly or as a betrayal to the cause since they could jack their prices up due to supply and demand issues), and the final one which I would fall under myself (and is the reason why I felt that I should post this).
There would be multitudes of men whom this wouldn't even effect. These days we choose to call ourself MGTOWs. This means Men Going Their Own Way. Essentially, we are males who have cut women out of our lives. While there are many who have been married or in relationships and woken up to the freedom of commanding our own lives (men who have plenty of options to pick from with regards to women but choose to refrain), the majority is like me. I am disliked by women. I am short, lesser than a five on the scale of 1 to 10, and have nothing to offer that any women want (looks, money, success, etc). This means that I am a MGTOW by default. My last relationship ended in April of 1995 and that was because she found someone better. I have been without sex since then. That is more than 20+ years without sex, if your math is straight, and, remember, not by choice. No sex. None. 20+ years. Got it?
So, here's my statement. There are legions of guys out there like me. You may know some. You may pity them, despise them, or see them as pathetic. If any women tried a "Sex Strike" on us not-by-choice MGTOWs... Let's just say that it would be a sad affair if something important, like in this film, was on the table. Because we would tell them all to go to motherf....! Sorry. I'm sure you get the point coming from us loser-nobody guys who don't look ripped, cut, and dangerous like Gangsta P and his rival One-Eye in this here movie. We're the guys that girls don't even know exist (unless they accidentally tripped over us) and typically one doesn't value much or miss that which they don't or ever will have. That's my statement. Oh, and I thought the movie was entertaining. It was one part funny, one part sad, one part political commentary, and one part social commentary...rolled into a fat Spike Lee Joint.