MovieChat Forums > Chi-Raq (2016) Discussion > I'm a feminist and the so-called "femini...

I'm a feminist and the so-called "feminist" criticisms are wacko!

Ok, just look at the "user" reviews and bizarro threads on this board...there's no rape in this movie. There is blatant sexuality but isn't sexuality part of life?? The movie does not make "women responsible for men's problems." It shows a desperate measure by women to reduce violence and apparently this was actually tried in an African country. Yes there were "dick jokes" as well as pussy songs. So effing what??

I am embarrassed by so many of the young women who call themselves feminists these days (and some of the older women too). Feminism is about equal rights. True feminism isn't anti-sex, it's not paranoid reading meanings into things that aren't there, it's not criticism of art because it's too raunchy for your taste. True feminism is literate and a real feminist has some awareness of different people's lives, including people of other colors and nationalities!! The cluelessness, paranoia, self-righteousness, cultural insensitivity and illiteracy of some of these "feminist" remarks is embarrassing!


I greatly agree with your post!


I wholeheartedly agree


Problem is, not trying to be offensive, those wackos are the ones influencing legislation. In consequence making feminism become more like what those wackos say.
It has gotten to the point where I don't believe that feminism stands for equal rights anymore.
The movie, btw, was awesome.


99 % of feminists today want women's rights over equal rights ... apparently you are not a modern feminist

This is my opinion. You're welcome to yours, but you will be wrong.


I don't know what the phrase "women's rights over equal rights" means.


No rape but plenty more killing of black men for entertainment.

And what "equal rights" do women still need that hasn't been already accomplished for years now? Feminism is so irrelevant and unnecessary. Just another way for certain women to bleed their narcissism.


I'm so sorry you can't get laid.


lol, how stupid. Is that all you got to come back with? Intersting that you seem to be implying that guys would only ever buy into feminist *beep* only if they got laid. LOL, hey, isn't that a form of bribery? Well sorry btw, because apparently you CAN get laid and still not buy into feminist balony :) Gee, imagine that, a woman not deluded by feminist nonsense (I think there's a whole lot of them tho, fortunately).

Thanks for the opportunity for the discussion, or at least as good a "discussion" one can get with the average IQ level and brain capacity of your type.



Feminism has always been necessary anywhere and anytime women still have to deal discrimination against because of their sex (which despite the laws against it, is still around and practiced. Only a man (who never has to deal with any damn discrimination in his life, especially if he's a white man) would claim some stupid bull**** like "Feminism isn't needed anymore." How the fck would you know---you're not a woman, so you damn sure can't speak to whether women feel it's important of not. And you clearly lack of understanding of what feminism really is anyway. You may not need feminism, but women (who invented it) sure as hell do. It's not up to you to determine who needs it or not.
