I'm a feminist and the so-called "feminist" criticisms are wacko!
Ok, just look at the "user" reviews and bizarro threads on this board...there's no rape in this movie. There is blatant sexuality but isn't sexuality part of life?? The movie does not make "women responsible for men's problems." It shows a desperate measure by women to reduce violence and apparently this was actually tried in an African country. Yes there were "dick jokes" as well as pussy songs. So effing what??
I am embarrassed by so many of the young women who call themselves feminists these days (and some of the older women too). Feminism is about equal rights. True feminism isn't anti-sex, it's not paranoid reading meanings into things that aren't there, it's not criticism of art because it's too raunchy for your taste. True feminism is literate and a real feminist has some awareness of different people's lives, including people of other colors and nationalities!! The cluelessness, paranoia, self-righteousness, cultural insensitivity and illiteracy of some of these "feminist" remarks is embarrassing!