TANGENT anyone?
Basing this story on a GREEK play basically caused the movie to ZOOM right over the heads of the people who are complaining that they;
A) Don't get it
B) Think Spike Lee is (Add any of the same lame Insults that people who dislike/hate Mr. Lee have been rehashing for years here)
C) Don't understand why he based the story on a Greek Tragedy!
D) all of the above
None of which has anything to do with ART! Here's a tip! If you don't like a piece of art, TURN AWAY! Why do people waste their time commenting on or watching Mr. Lee's efforts if they HATE/DISLIKE him so much? And then the comments go from not liking Spike to arguing over which city has the highest murder rate or any number of things that have NOTHING to do with the original post! BAFFLING!
My ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumbass. -Ordell Robbie