MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > What would you like to see in Season 5? ...

What would you like to see in Season 5? (Speculation/fan fiction)

I'll just throw in a few ideas I think would be cool.


We open to the aftermath of "The Piggyback." Hawkins has gone to hell, as Eleven and the gang look on in horror. "Don't Give Up" by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush plays on the soundtrack. The camera dollies in on Eleven as Gabriel sings the first verse "I was taught to fight, taught to win, never thought I could fail..." (echo).

Max tries to find her way back, set to the tune of "Wuthering Heights." "Heathcliff, it's me, Cathy, I've come home, and I'm so cold. Let me in your window."

Since the stakes have never been higher, Eleven curses more, especially a few Precision F-Strikes in the climax. She and Vecna go back and forth. She tells him "Fuck you," rinse and repeat, building up to Eleven using all her power and might. Her last words to him are "Go to hell" before destroying him for good.

A Kali/Eight reunion would be cool... er, I mean bitchin'. Maybe Eleven could work in a few curses, since Kali was the first person to hear her curse (that we currently know of). Obviously, El would be overcome with emotion, similar to her big reunion at the end of Season 2. "Oh my God, Kali! I haven't seen you in for-fucking-ever! How are you?" "So, El, how are things in Hawkins?" (beat) "Shit just got real."

Will gets to play at least one game of D&D like old times, maybe at the end. And gets a haircut.

What would you throw in if you were given the keys?


"What would you like to see in Season 5?"

Nothing, S4 will be the last season for me. I thought this one will be better than previous seasons but it turns out that the show, with every episode it produces, becomes more ugly. No wonder Netflix loses subscribers.
