Remember when Will...

looks at the present from Nancy as he is sitting in the car at the end? That present was just wrapped way too perfect. How OCD does Nancy have to be to wrap it that flipping good? That wrapping comes from a very specially gifted person at the studio. Its a 1 in 10,000 type of wrap job. The word Noel is cut yet is pieced together perfectly through the fold. This is a masterpiece. Admire it as chances are none of you will ever get anything wrapped that good.

Got me triggered

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Remember those stands at the mall that used to wrap presents for you, for a small charge? Haven't seen them in a while but they used to do a damn near perfect job. Maybe Nancy had the gift wrapped professionally, so to speak.


Do you think that you could nitpick anything more trivial or less important?


Is it just me or did it seem like it was implied that Steve got the camera for Jonathen, and had Nancy give it to him as a good will gesture (she said it wasn't 'really' a present , but he'd see, and Steve had broken his camera)?

Plus cameras where probably kinda pricey back then, so it seems to make more sense if well off Steve bought it.


Some people are just like that. And it tends to be women, in my experience. They don't even try to make it pristine, but it just comes out that way. I, on the other hand, can't wrap a present that doesn't look like a steaming pile to save the lives of every member of my family.


I was under the impression Steve bought the camera?


I think the show is not meant to be as intensely scrutinized as the OP is going for. Keep in mind this is also a world where a costume wig can perfectly fall in nice lines when a girl is wearing it, instead of looking like a cheap wig that's been sitting in a bin for who-knows-how-long.

That was the thing about the 80's: you could usually accept what you were seeing, and not suddenly be scrutinizing every little detail.

A prime example of how perceptions have changed, is in regards to the Indiana Jones films. In 2008, Jones surviving a nuclear explosion in a lead-lined fridge, was seen as totally ridiculous...yet in 1984, Jones and two other persons jumped from a plane on an inflating raft, went down a hill, through snow, past trees, over the edge of a cliff, into raging waters, before floating down a quiet stream...and there wasn't any complaining that the series had 'jumped the plane.'

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


man i need to practice my sarcasm apparently. The series was good and, yes, it was attention to detail like this that made me like it.

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It was obviously CGI...

The Players of The Game are the scum of the earth.


It was obviously CGI...

Nonsense. They didn't have CGI in 83.


The people who made Tron would like a word with you. Not to mention all of the people who were creating CGI before Tron.


Back in the late '70s/early '80s, all girls learned the way to perfectly wrap presents in Home Ec class. The good old days


I learned how to wrap working at a Hallmark store when I was in high school in the eighties.
