MovieChat Forums > Mulan (2020) Discussion > Way to make sure people pirate your movi...

Way to make sure people pirate your movie Disney!

So Mulan is coming to Disney plus....But they really expect us to pay 30 bucks to rent a film that is streaming on a subscription service we already pay for?!! Are they stupid? No way people will be OK with this! I think this film will be pirated like crazy!


Doubt most people would be interested in seeing it (especially now)


Disney is taking a big gamble here. They should've delayed to next year.

If it fails then they risk losing hundreds of millions of dollars.

To break even with the $200 million dollar budget at least 7 million people will need to rent the film at the $30 price tag.

Don't see that happening. Even sports pay-per-views don't get such buy rates at a similar price.

Also, an HD copy will be leaked day of release. This will pirated to hell like you said.

The only thing I can see saving it is foreign box office, but that remains to be seen.


"taking a big gamble here. They should've delayed to next year."

Tell that to a guy name Nolan, and his 200 million movie TENET.


It remains to be seen if Tenet will makes it's release date. I can see that being pushed back again as well. Hell, I'd be surprised if theatres even open up at all for the rest of the year.


I imagine it'd make alot of $ in china (but does china even have access to Disney+?) .. rest of world ? not so much


Nope. No Disney+ in China. That's why it's being released in theatres in countries without Disney + and not the US.


“Pirate” is a noun, not a verb.

And “it’s” is a possessive contraction for “it is.”


wtf are u babbling about u dumb grammar nazi?!? nobody cares i can understand what he is saying perfectly fine. go back to the 3rd grade u teachers pet nerd!


Haha Thanks


Pirate is a homograph and depending on which word is being used, can be a noun or verb.


Those that pirate will keep pirating, those that pay to see first will pay to see first no mater how much you charge.

When you have people queuing all night and day just be the first one to have an iphone/samsung knowing you could walk into a store 2 days later and get one within minutes, you know there are dumb people out there that will do it just to be the first one.

So Disney know there are suckers out there.

people have already brought it and said we took the hit fr other people and its not a great movie - no you didn't take a hit for other people, you were the sucker that wanted it and paid for it.
