Poor Money Magnet

Don't try to convince me that the movie was worth 1 hour and 30 minutes or so I spent watching it.

Amateur cinematics, vulgar stunts, expected ending are all components to an action movie that a) focuses on the stunt moments and not the story line b) alter the story line to incorporate and center the limelight over the star names. During the middle of movie, when the bomb was attached to the car Sam (Ronda Rousey) was in, the car successfully killed 3 passengers, but * surprise surprise * Ronda Rousey survives. Later on she proceeds to exploding herself with two grenades, resulting in two more fatalities (of the mob). This was all a poor attempt at trying to provide "dramatic" endings to star figures. How can she survive (with injuries) [getting the impression that the crew behind the film have the minds of a 5 year old]?

The whole movie was rushed, and tried to combine too many details and story lines that over complicated the setting of the movie. Just so I actually say something positive, Mark Wahlberg's character was quite unique and lightened up the movie in some parts. The stereotypes of Eastern Europeans (Russians) being mob members is also "briefly" highlighted, and other stereotypical comments pokes even more holes in the movie.

The movie lacked substance. It tried to include too many stunts and explosion edits and all the plastic we see in all action movies. But, we can't really blame the producers, should they prioritize their star names, over dramatizing the story line and creating a kick ass trailer to make people watch the movie (+++money); or should they prioritize the quality and literal sophistication of the story line in order to please some audience members?


Jep, pretty much sums it up. I kinda enjoyed myself though, didnt even try to follow the story. The action was pretty good but also many action scenes were kinda ruined by crazy camera movement.


I didn't really like the movie but I also feel like you're describing hundreds, if not thousands of movies where the prominent actors/characters manage to survive situations where everyone else is just fodder.
