the gun-owner's daughter is statistically far more likely to have found the gun and accidentally shot herself, or her daddy, than it be used to defend the family against armed thugs.
Wow you just gave me a good laugh. Way to come up with magic statistics in your head. Before you mention the ridiculously stupid and biased link from the Washington post; let me make something clear. The idiotic "34 unjustifiable homicides for every 1 lawful homicide" quoted in that article is basically talking about something that maybe you didn't quite understand.
The criminal homicides that account for the "34" are mostly talking about INTENTIONAL criminal acts committed by people. These are mostly situations like gang members shooting each other, someone purposely murdering someone, a firearm that was fired while committing another criminal act etc. Accidental shootings make up a very very small percentage of the "criminal homicides."
Basically what that means is those were mostly all situations where people had the INTENT to kill and did so. They are not accidental shootings. In fact most of those shooting were committed by criminals who don't follow gun control laws in the first place. So more gun control laws would do absolutely nothing to stop most of those situations from occurring.
So the likelihood of "your daughter accidentally shooting herself" is a very illogical conclusion to draw by comparing justifiable homicides to criminal homicides. Maybe next time you can try to come up with a more believable argument when pushing your biased anti-gun agenda?