Giant Murderer or arsonist!
I watched this for half an hour. Then gave up. It was frustrating.
Went on the internet to find reviews on youtube. Didn't find many. Which is interesting. My usual movie critics had nothing. Searched some more and found a few, but one - not so great at least goes through the movie.
It was as if no one really bothered to go and see it.
It was testing. I didn't warm up to the main character or he others. Wanted to though. All the Monster Calls vibes kept stirring in me.
An hour in. By now, all the characters introduced. The movie was slow moving so far, I think it needed a bit of editing to tighten up, but still kept us guessing. The parts serving to entice me in just pushed me away. I was losing patience.
So many questions. Where are her parents - no, actually whats happened to her parents? Her parents upstairs? How comes she knows so much about the giants? Can't be from those few books. You never see her visit an antique book shop. Can't be the internet - you don't see her using a computer once - although there was that 21st century remark, when she found out where the psychologist lives. She has no friends. At one point I thought this was carried on through the generations, from her parents, grandparents. But nope, that little weapon in her purse looks like made up bits from the beach.
The movie had a few things going for it. Good cinematography, some nice acting, nice atmosphere. Special effects were ok. Bunny Ears - Is that a Donnie Darko reference?
At 1hr6m in, when her friend runs down to the basement - right past her sister wtf. You find out where this might all come from. It will certainly explain away my previous questions. But I know better than that. Still some more too-ing and fro-ing. Stop it already.
We finally reach the boss fight. It was disappointing.
By the time I finished the movie. I found it achieved what it set out to do. Which is probably to help children go through reality, find some solace in the message. But I can't help draw comparisons between this and a Monster Calls. I enjoyed that a lot more, it was much more tight in the editing, even though it was just as long. The animation and story telling in that one drew me in. Not only that. But I think the little tidbit right at the end made that a much better movie. I didn't feel cheated. It made that extra-special.