MovieChat Forums > The Girl with All the Gifts (2017) Discussion > Did They Give Away Too Much in the Trail...

Did They Give Away Too Much in the Trailer?

This is always a difficult line to walk but one of the best parts about the book was the mystery and weirdness of Melanie's world in the beginning. I guess it would be hard to keep it all a secret but they didn't try too hard either. I get that you have to tell some of the basic plot to get people to go see the movie but I just feel it would be best to keep things more uncertain and let the audience discover the world for itself.


I'm not sure. I guess I thought there was something going on with the kids from the very start. I assumed they were the offspring of something. I think they are counting on the drama that occurs midway through the book. For me, the story became old hat once they left the base. It became pretty predictable, but that would be different fo movie goers who haven't read the book. For them, it will be pretty good.


The ending blew me away- totally NOT what I predicted!


I thought they did as when I read the back of the book (cover) it alluded to what was going on with out giving too much away and then when I started reading it and got drawn into it I was hooked. The Trailer looks like it spoils some of the build up (Like they did with Terminator Genysis) and reveals a bit of what is going on but the story is so good (in my opinion) that even a few little spoilers will not ruin it

Hell is other People


well, if they were trying to make last of us into a 2 minute movie. they did it with the trailer.

jokes aside, it's what they do now, they give you the whole thing in the trailer. no need to pay for tickets to see it in the theaters anymore, they blow the surprise either we want it or not.



I feel like generally trailers give to much away and it's better not to watch them if one is already interested in watching a movie. But this one wasn't to bad. They have to give the central premise to the story and sort of show what type of story it's going to be.

There is no such thing as too much time


hard to be interested without seeing the trailer unless u have read the book


I have read the book and just watched the trailer but I have not seen the film yet. Obviously the trailer gave nothing away for me but part of the magic of the book was that you had no idea why children were being kept and treated in this weird way and it only unfolded slowly. If you have not read the book and you watch the trailer you will lose a lot of this initial effect and so I do think they have given away too much in the trailer. That said, it is difficult to know what they could show in the trailer that would not give it away. This is a general problem with trailers and often it is best to not watch them at all.


Yes Buzios . I did notice that the early part of the film builds up a lot of suspense and mystery as to who these children are , but this mystery becomes redundant if you know as little as the basic premise of the narrative and it's impossible to get around this

Anyway to get back to the original post this trailer doesn't give away "too much" . Much better examples would be WORLD WAR Z and THE PURGE ELECTION NIGHT where if you've seen the trailer you've basically seen the entire film minus the boring bits . The trailres are even edited in chronological order


If too much is given away in the trailer then its compounded by the idiot posters on this site. Spoilers are usually given away in the Topic Headlines.


Actually I saw the film first then this morning the trailer........

Yes they did. Very poor form and the film industry need to stop doing it so baldly.


It's not that many years ago that trailers could go either way, either giving away every little detail important to the plot or nothing at all. That said, that *beep* doesn't sell; most movie goers are stupid and need to have every thing spilled out for them. With "most movie goers" I obviously mean the North American market. I know, I sound like a stupid troll right now, but fact is Hollywood and their marketing departments dictate what we're given and they perceive their own as stupid as bread.

A picture with a smile - and perhaps, a tear.


i think they do give a bit too much away for this movie but they kind of have no choice not to. i like this movie but the only part about it that's remotely unique or new is the zombie children aspect (and the fungus causing the zombies). all the other zombie attacks/scenes have been done countless other times and tbh have been done far better (28 DAYS/WEEKS LATER, DAWN OF THE DEAD remake, etc.). i wish the trailer had been cut a bit differently and that didn't show that the kids were zombies. maybe just show that they were being locked up like that for SOME reason.

trailers ruin movies these days for the most part. here's the trailer for the horror/thriller THE INVITATION (one of my faves of the year) and it's a perfect trailer. it spoils nothing...

i love that it shows possibly something is going down but without showing too much. more trailers being made today need to make them like that trailer. in Ridley Scott's upcoming ALIEN COVENANT it appears (pretty 100% sure) to spoil the deaths of at least 3 characters (possibly even more). that's unacceptable IMO.
