Hollywood hypocrisy on gun ownership, the real 'headcases'
Hollywood demonstrates its inbred, ingrained hypocrisy on gun ownership and gun control.
Hollywood has earned billions of dollars over the past 80 years with countless movies depicting all manner and use of firearms from Westerns to crime shows to war movies. And yet Hollywood loves to trump itself as proud far-left wing liberal sympathizers of any and every socialist, communist, and left wing idea out there...essentially throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks.
I call out Hollywood on its hypocrisy with its treatment of women over the past 80 years. Generations ago, the 'casting couch' was very much still in use. Hollywood, for all its boasts about supporting women's rights, is the among the first to exploit women and throw them under the bus when they're no longer useful or too old, that is, over age 30.
So take this movie with a grain of salt. Hollywood is openly anti-gun ownership but secretly pro-gun because its profits still rely heavily on depicting gun use on screen and in television. I wouldn't doubt that Hollywood may be secretly supporting gun ownership while publicly taking a stand against it, basically talking out of both sides of its mouth and playing both sides against the other because educated liberals all believe us little average citizen guys are stupid and deserve to be easily manipulated for political and financial gain. Don't blame Hollywood. They didn't invent that. The ancient Greek and Roman politicians understood that as much and manipulated their populations. Where else does the ancient Latin word, 'demagoguery', come from? And don't forget the early Renaissance Age political writer, Machiavelli, whose snarky, cynical writings about the deviousness and malfeasance of deception politics are publicly denounced in the West while privately acclaimed as telling it like it is.
Don't forget former Obama Administration advisor, Jonathan Gruber, who was secretly videotaped over two years ago giving a closed room speech to a snickering, giggling liberal audience in San Francisco as Gruber assured them that it was okay not to be transparent in passing unpopular legislation and that the stupidity of the American voter could be relied upon to pass legislation. Just like when Obama told voters in Pennsylvania back in 2008 that he was one with them and then he traveled to San Francisco and told a liberal audience that those people were stuck on their guns and bibles and only one television news station called him on it.