Wow was this a reboot of Body of Evidence
I am not an American and have no dog in their partisan politics but this was one bad movie. It is one of those dumb movies made for smart people you can clap themselves on the back and say "I get it,you don't" It starts out well trying to be an Aaron Sorkinlike rat-a-tat smart dialogue movie about the mechanics of lobbying and reframing issues and waits till the second half to insult everyone's intelligence by going horribly,terribly and irrecoverably wrong. Probably the worst part was making Miss Sloane so smugly prescient and omnipotent that she is Professor Moriarty,Hannibal Lector and Emperor Palpatine rolled into one. Her old law firm needed to get the FBI profilers from Criminal Minds and any character Benedict Cumberbatch has played to go after her not a way overmatched Senate Committee. The plot turns in the 3rd act are so literally eye rolling and ludicrous that I could hear audible groans and sighs through the audience for the last 15 minutes. Sitting through the credits I thought this was a reboot of the Madonna movie Body of Evidence with just better actors and less gratuitous sex scenes