Anyone want to discuss the actual film?
... as opposed to political trolling?
(And, yes, the movie is a political thriller, but it actually gives voice to one of the gun lobby's primary—if spurious—arguments.)
... as opposed to political trolling?
(And, yes, the movie is a political thriller, but it actually gives voice to one of the gun lobby's primary—if spurious—arguments.)
Would love to discuss the actual film! I think it's the best of the year. Was so blown away by it in so many ways. What did you think of it?
shareI do not think as highly of Miss Sloane as you do, but I did enjoy the film. You can see my basic assessment here:
I have read your analysis and description in the other thread, and I appreciate the way that you have dug into it. The writing does not work as well for me, structurally, because I just find too many of the developments preposterous (and in a "realistic" context at that), but I deem Miss Sloane compelling as a film that grants a female protagonist many of the attributes and foibles normally reserved for men, while at the same time not stripping her of femininity and vulnerability. Seeing a female portrayal that is this 'tough' and unsentimental proves rare and refreshing (I am reminded in some ways of of Sondra Locke's vengeful Jennifer Spencer in 1983's Sudden Impact), but the male escort subplot really serves to humanize Jessica Chastain's character. Again, I am reminded of a hard-boiled male protagonist whose vulnerability can be seen primarily through emotionally remote sexual exchanges, and the filmmakers' willingness to display a woman in that kind of manner is highly unexpected and useful.
I saw your thread about potential Oscar nominations, and I do feel that Chastain stands a good shot at scoring one—and it would be well-deserved, certainly.
I agree that the characterization of Sloane is bold and unconventional for a woman while not abandoning the attributions that make her empathetic and rootable. There's a lot happening on the surface but so much more going on beneath it. Good analysis on your part too; thanks for sharing.
It didn't find the plotting as preposterous or contrived, largely because I think everything is setup and tracked well, so it never felt manipulative when the reveals happen. And the world of DC has proven in this past presidential election that crazy tactics are employed. I'd be curious to hear what specific elements you feel were hard to swallow.
Good analysis on your part too; thanks for sharing.
I'd be curious to hear what specific elements you feel were hard to swallow.
Yes! I came to the board last night after seeing the film and I wanted to discuss it and was so turned off and fed up by the pro-gunners trying to taint this movie.
For what it's worth, this film would have been exactly the same regardless of which political issue they had chosen. They are actually fairly equal when debating the pros and cons of the gun control movement (though I'm sure the pro-gunners are going to gloss over Sloane's incredibly poorly argued and badly reasoned arguments during the on air interview with her former colleague that pretty much embodies the worst of the worst anti-gun movement and highlights most meritless arguments the anti-gunners use) though there were a few inaccuracies here and there (typical of a Hollywood movie).
The psychology of Sloane and her methods and unethical means are what interest me.
I would love to debate the movie and answer questions people walked away with!
^Sure I'd LOVE to discuss the film...posts diatribe bashing the pro gun posters.^
Way to stick to the thread topic there.
- or so the Germans would have us believe...
Sorry if I offended you. I was turned off by everyone posting that this movie is propaganda. I don't believe it is and stated why.
I want to talk about the movie.
I saw this at an advanced audience preview screening and was blown away by Chastains performance. I looked up the details afterwards and couldn't believe that this is the screenwriters first published script. It remains one of the best films I've seen this year. It kind of irks me that so much focus on these boards has been placed on "Guns! OMG it's about GUNS!" by people who have no idea what the film is really about.
it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
Saw the film last night, it was very entertaining. Being Canadian, the gun debate doesn't hit home as much for me. The trailer was very decieving, but in a good way. Corrupt officials, well that's a given. Was really glad that finally brought that to light in a film. Makes me glad to be Canadian in some ways...
shareCorrupt officials, well that's a given. Was really glad that finally brought that to light in a film. Makes me glad to be Canadian in some ways...
It kind of irks me that so much focus on these boards has been placed on "Guns! OMG it's about GUNS!" by people who have no idea what the film is really about.
Yes, I can discuss the actual film.
It deserves 0 stars because it pushes a half-baked ideology. I haven't seen a bigger piece of political crap since Bowling for Columbine.
Yes, I would love to discuss the film.
That is, if the film didn't leave ALL St. Louis screens yesterday.
The stupid ones get arrested,
The smart ones get elected.
Miss Sloane grossed less than $3.4M domestically; I am shocked that it earned that little money.
That figure would have represented a pittance thirty-five years ago, let alone today.
And then, this spate of Christmas-timed movies flushed out many previous releases.
It deserves 0 stars because it pushes a half-baked ideology. I haven't seen a bigger piece of political crap since Bowling for Columbine.