This is ridiculous.

People talk about how Hillary supporters are sensitive and act like babies and all of that, yet everyone on this board giving this bad reviews are all whining and complaining about how it's "gun hating propaganda" and that it's "stupid because Hillary already lost", which is funny, because they're all acting the same way they claim Democrats act. Huh, funny how that works.


No political party holds a monopoly on hypocrisy.

However, there is a lot of misleading propaganda out there. I have not seen this movie, but I check this board to see if this movie fits that description.

 Live long and prosper.


That is true, both parties are very hypocritical.


Hill Supporters need safe spaces and therapy dogs, playdoh, and coloring books. Go to youtube and you can see thousands of videos of crying Hill Supporters.


Yeah, and Trump supporters freaked out over red Starbucks cups and a black Santa Claus, so don't pretend they're all high and mighty either, because they get just as whiny over things as Hillary supporters do.


Trump supporters freaked out over red Starbucks cups and a black Santa Claus,

Fake news, manufactured outrage from the left.

Let me read Salon & The Huff Post a lot, and subscribe to Occupy Democrats on your FB page?

Yes, yes you do.

The examples you listed re Cups & Santa are totally false, never happened.

Grow the f#ck up, libtard.


Kind of funny how you have to result to insulting me and saying I'm wrong, and then you're telling ME to grow up. Interesting. And no, I don't even know what those are that you listed, but thanks for making assumptions about who I am, I appreciate it (if you didn't get it, I'm being sarcastic).


I wasn't wrong.


Yes, you were. Sorry to break it to ya, I know how upset you must be to be proven wrong. How about you don't say I need to grow up when you think it's okay to insult someone? I was nothing but respectful, I didn't insult you, yet you say I need to grow up. Well listen here, bud. I'm not one of the people who needs damn "safe spaces" because I can defend myself, and i frankly don't care what you think or say, because in the end it's worthless to me and means nothing.


I didnt see Trump Supporters rioting, destroying property, blocking traffic or filing false hate crimes over Black Santa.


Youre acting like the same thing wouldn't have happened if Trump had lost. Because it would have. It's literally part of human nature, when we don't get what we want, we get angry.


But we'll never know, right, libtard infant?

Because Hillary LOST

Say it. LOST.

Her ideology, and YOUR ideology, LOST.

You are probably only 14 years old though, so there is time for you to grow up before too many reality sandwiches b!tchslap you into the stratosphere.

It exasperates me to share this earth with oxygen thieves like yourself.


Dont remember mccain or romney supporters getting as upset as Hill fans were.I dont remember national news figures pouting as if they lost a war and are facing a brutal occupation like what they are now. I dont recall colleges and schools having walkouts or organizing cry ins

Face it, there is a night/day difference of what was the Obama election and the Trump election and that of the ones who lost.


Yes well, the reason is because people believe trump is dangerous. Which, yes, it's overreacting, but they're not necessarily wrong. Someone like Trump who has no prior military/political experience and a big mouth is dangerous to America, no doubt about it. But he's not as dangerous as everyone is making him out to be.


A big mouth and no political experience is dangerous to America why?????? Because libtards piss in their pantyhoses when he talks? Somehow his talk will cause snowflakes to melt and cause a war? Get over yourself.
When you say "everyone" thinks he is dangerous who the hell is everyone? It is the fakenews media that you love who grabbed you by the p**** and banged the brain of the youth in this country.


Beware the self-righteous ...
