MovieChat Forums > Miss Sloane (2016) Discussion > More gun-hater propaganda

More gun-hater propaganda

Liberals are fascists who hate things like personal freedom and personal responsibility. They made this trash in the belief hillary would win and this movie would help the left take away our guns and usher in a "paradise" where the feds control everything. HAHA


Reckless drivers are a bigger threat to you than all other criminals put together.


The 2nd Amendment reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So ...

WELL REGULATED MILITIA..... Well regulated
Well regulated
Well regulated

Gun control


Gun control


It's almost as if gun control is another phrase for regulation... Hmmmm
Like it says in The constitution
As in you may own a rife and a pistol and keep them locked in a safe until such time they are needed if a militia must be formed to fight a threat....

Doesn't say every man woman and child must carry a firearm at all times to be ready to shoot fellow citizens....

Doesn't say that people should take the law into thier own hands and go try take Down armed robbers

There is no argument...
Regulation is gun control which is Consistutional...
A militia if it's to have any chance of success against an army it must be an organised military body run by experienced officers...

Just think for a second how different a well regulated military style body of armed citizen soldiers defending their right to be freemen differs from an undisciplined rabble of gun waving morons who won't listen to any authority figure... They wouldn't last second against a real force...

So ...

Let's admit that we are interpreting the Constitution with no clear method of determining the true intent of its authors. It's been over 200 years since it was written, and it's been interpreted in ways that serve our personal needs. Some people don't believe guns are necessary to be free, some feel they right is abused and used to inflict unjust violence on their fellow man, and some hate government regular and want to see the language as a free pass to own a gun and use it for recreation and self defense under and circumstance.

There's no way to assert anyone is right or wrong after such an extensive 200+ year game of
telephone. My assessment of the 2nd Amendment is a rational one, closely regarding all its language. Many gun advocates just read the part about the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and cling to that. The first part about a well regulated militia is the context in which the right exists. There's no changing the mind of people who don't care about any of this intellect analaysis of the language, but how about you just acknowledge that it's not about your constitutional right and American patriotism that
motivates your passion; it's your desire to hold a firearm and be free to use it whenever you feel it's just.


"well-regulated" back then meant in proper working order, NOT as control. And yes, there IS a way to know what the founders meant when they wrote the Constitution, it's all in The Federalist Papers.

So please, either educate yourself, or if you have, don't just ignore it because it doesn't agree with you.


How come in the lobby of the NRA building, they've inscribed the language of 2nd Amendment but removed the part about a well regulated militia and replaced with an ellipsis? It's not a tweet. There's enough space to honor the precise language of the Founding Fathers. They must have excluded it for a reason. Like it didn't serve their mandate to glorify gun ownership for a broader purpose (and greater gun sales and larger member$ship).

I can appreciate your views. Really. And I don't think you want to take your gun and attack innocent Americans because you have a weapon. Though I do think that America had evolved, guns have evolved - and in both cases, in dangerous ways that are statistically correlated - so sensible gun regulation needs to evolve, too. And if you hate government interference as much as you imply, you are also implying you don't trust your government officials to operate in the best interests of Americans. That's rather ironic given the Constitution was written by government
officials. So you trust men who you didn't elect or know or live among but don't trust those you have a right to elect, petition, and interface with? Hmm.
