Here's a political movie plot concept thats timely.
Let's call the movie MISS BRAZILE. First off, she has to have a first name. Mmmm. Donna would be o.k. I guess.
Anyway, MISS BRAZILE is working for a female presidential candidate who is elderly as well as sickly.(Her illness is not the main plot point although her symptoms have ramifications to advance the story line) It just so happens that MISS BRAZILEs' boss has neurological problems that simply CANNOT be discussed in the media.
Moving on. A highly anticipated debate is fast approaching and MISS BRAZILE, who is as ruthlessly pragmatic as MISS SLOANE, approaches her former employer, who just happens to run a news network controlling the questions to be asked during aforementioned debate. The network gladly hands over a key question to MISS BRAZILE that will affect most of the audience at the debate. After memorizing her answer to the question supplied secretly to her by MISS BRAZILE the doddering female candidate answers it rapidly and succinctly. This momentarily confuses her opponent, an elderly but popular senator from a small northeastern state. He hesitates and is lost.
In another timely plot contrivance MISS BRAZILE is later exposed by a series of hacked E-mails released to the public. By this time however her current employer has won the primary battle and actually has the elderly senator working for her much to the chagrin of his youthful supporters.
Although many citizens are outraged, the media, for unknown reasons, never shows any interest in the fraudulent behavior of MISS BRAZILE and the deceitful news network who had previously employed her.
Suddenly. A pirate ship appears on the horizon.