MovieChat Forums > Miss Sloane (2016) Discussion > What did they expect? A hit?

What did they expect? A hit?

I call movies which preach, "message movies." Maybe you do too. And I don't like it when Hollywood expects me to pay my own good money to be told what I "should" think . . . . . about ANY particular subject. For instance, the 2008 remake of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" was just a mishmash of mumbo-jumbo with a prolonged ecology theme (which we've all heard 1,000,000 times in our lives).

So why did these filmmakers think anybody would pay to see big stars argue about gun control? Why are people surprised the movie flopped and they recouped less than 25% of their investment? What could it do but flop? And most important, how could they not realize that gun control is boring?

Why is gun control boring? Because it doesn't work and it never has. Criminals don't obey the law. (P.S. Canada just repealed its uniform national gun control law, which was very restrictive and placed huge demands and restrictions on law abiding citizens. It had been in effect a full 10 years. It cost the government vast amounts of money. And all of it was wasted because it never solved a single crime or resulted in a single criminal prosecution.)


Like most libtard focused business entities, Hollywood is learning that trying to appeal to millennials is a money losing venture. Millennials mouth off a lot, but never follow through with action, whether t be voting for their candidate or supporting a political ideology at the movie theater.

But they sure love looking at themselves and feeling feelings


Libtard happysenior returns! I love how much time you spend on this movie's page. And one this movie isn't, is boring. It's entertainment for intelligent people. But don't worry: Transformers 5 will be in theater this summer and you'll be able to appease your low IQ. And so you know: between box office, DVD, licensing, pay TV, it's impossible for a film that cost $13 million to not make it's money back. So there was no financial downside to making it. And now it's out there forever, and even though gun-totting cretians like you will only always spew disparaging comments about it bc it threatens your antiquated and delicate way of life, the film will live on long after you accidentally shoot one of your hick kids while drunk and then fall down the stairs.


And the target audience for this movie certainly wasn't millennials - the dumbest generation to ever plague this country. This movie was made for the niche group of open-minded folks who enjoy bold, provocative erudite fare. They don't really go to the movie theater much - it's the same crowd that watch movies like Moonlight, Manchester By The Sea, Nocturnal Animals, Jackie, Fences, which all gross less than $10 million at the theatrical box office and find the bulk of their audience on DVD and TV. You can try to bash this movie as a failure as much as you like, but it's a critical success, people who actually watch it and don't have an ideological predisposition, love it, and the film's financing structure has already assured it won't lose money ... so the joke's on you since the movie exists and will continue to do so forever.


Nice spin, but it's still a bomb.


There's no facts that will convince a gun fanatic otherwise. You want and need this movie to fail bc you feel it threatens your deeply enscouned 2A American principles. Let's say it was a financial failure - so what? Movies fail all the time. For many reasons. The fact remains: your views are your views, and some people, even fellow Americans, will not agree with them entirely. And that bothers you. As a patriot. So you take to the internet to share your disgust. That's your right. And this movie will exist forever. Your views will remain unchanged. This movie won't change anyone's minds, one way or another. I don't think it was trying to. It's a movie. A piece of entertainment. And I found it very smart and entertaining. That's all I care about it. Some will agree with me. Some won't, like you. It's just interesting how much of a discussion this movie is generating by lovers and haters alike. I also think that was part of the point, too. Provocative films create polarizing discussion. This movie sure has. Even if it's a "flop" in your mind or click-bait headlines, the movie is getting a lot of attention that will drive people to see it in some form at some point, since it will exist forever. That's what makes people curious. I'm just glad we're having these dicsusons and agreeing to disagree on the quality and intent of the film. We're communicative beings and as long as we don't reduce ourselves to name-calling cretans, it's all healthy and expressive.


This is the first time I've come across "transcendingpictures" and I must say, if you're not going to bother with grammar you might at least spell check your vocabulary. Long winded rambles in support of a lost cause, this movie, are actually boring enough without having to plow through bad English.

You're wrong, of course, about this movie living on forever. It is already dead and will not be revived.

When an entire, large, modern first world nation takes a firm shot at the gun control mantra, and 10 years later admits it made a big, expensive mistake and repeals the whole thing, doesn't that resonate with you? You accuse people who support gun ownership of ignoring facts. Canada's experience is a fact.


You're wrong, of course, about this movie living on forever. It is already dead and will not be revived.

I have not heard anything about this movie the past few weeks. Several weeks ago, I would see a lot of ads for it on television ("Must See!"). Now, I hear and see nothing about it.


It most certainly shall live on forever. It will be available on DVD and streaming and cable; that's the way it works, bud. The film exists and it's excellent. You may never watch it, nor may many of your gun-totting brethren, and that's OK. You may deem it liberal propaganda and lies but it's a smart political thriller than examines far more than gun control. You'll never acknowledge that or see past that because you only care about your unfettered right to bear arms. You are threatened by the very notion of anyone making any suggestions to make America safer in that regard. It's just a movie and you're just a person with an opinion, like me. Life will go on, the movie will live on, and people will still own guns and kill people with guns.


It will indeed be "available" on DVD and streaming and cable, but nobody will buy it or watch it and then it will sink into the oblivion which awaits it. Only your hopes will live on, and you'll eventually forget about it, too.





Wow, did Santa give you the gift of brevity for Christmas? Shortest response you've ever given, and your one word answer actually describes every essay you've ever typed on the IMDB forums.


For an old man, you have the intellect of a child.


That's an insult to children. IMDb trolls are more like brainless insects who think they're capable of knowledge, yet betray that idea immediately through behavior.

That's why, ultimately, they're deserving of whatever mockery they receive on these boards. If they'd actually seen the movie, they'd have been able to make a case as to why it's supposedly "anti gun," even though they'd still lose because they were so focused on the guns that they ignored the actual story. They also clearly have no idea of what "MacGuffins" are or else they'd also realize the guns are irrelevant and were only used because of how hot button the topic is.

Long story short, much like the boards for "Ghostbusters" and "Hidden Figures", the board for "Miss Sloane" has pretty much become a breeding ground for the culturally illiterate whose lives amount to less than the uneaten crumbs on my dinner plate last night.


Why is gun control boring?

Hopefully your kids won't even be gunned down in school by a crazy kid who got his gun from his dad, or in a movie theatre by a terrorist who bought his gun at walmart, and you won't have to find out why something doesn't have to be entertaining to be talked about.

I'm not a bleeding heart. I'm a gun owner and I've been shooting guns since I was 10. I know how to handle a gun and I know how to hit a target from various distances. I've competed for years. And you know what? I still think you need gun laws.

People need a license to drive. And yet any psycho can walk into a store and buy a gun, then carry it around legally. That's one of many many reasons you need gun laws. Because people are dangerous and they shouldn't be handed weapons to take out their frustrations and issues on the world, not to mention leave their guns loaded in their desk for their kids to find and blow themselves away.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
