MovieChat Forums > Miss Sloane (2016) Discussion > More Left wing garbage...

More Left wing garbage...

Hollywood hates us (conservatives). So why should I buy tickets to their movies?


Don't buy them Jake!

I don't.

F Hollywood! Torrent anything you can't wait for at home, and stick it to the man.

I do.


Hollywood hates us (conservatives). So why should I buy tickets to their movies?

Then don't go back to watching the Dukes of Hazzard.


ha, made you look.

No go back to crying, loser. Your tears are delicious, if not a bit salty.


Who's crying gramps...I just gave him a movie recommendation. Have fun with Cheeto Jesus...I'm sure he'll give you everything you


i'l say it: president trump dead on arrival..


Clearly you didn't buy a ticket or see the movie, yet somehow have a strong opnion...go figure.


You should see the film, there's no hate towards conservatives in there at all.

Have you seen it?

I saw it last night and it's not pro or anti gun control. It's about corruption in lobbying and THAT industry and the effect they have on democracy.

There are two lobbying firms both trying to get Senators to vote for or again a bill on gun control. But really it could have been a bill on anything, because this is about corruption in lobbying not guns. Both lobbying firms are as bad as each other and the whole industry comes out of it badly as do corrupt senators.

This isn't Erin Brockovich at all.

And the anti gun lobby come out of it as hugely corrupt.

Perhaps see the film before making a judgement?


MDPomry: I'll see this movie... but I have to tell you that as a gun owner, I was taken aback when, in a trailer, I saw the Chastain character saying a person can buy a gun from a federal firearm licensed dealer at a gun show without a background check.

This is an absolute, out and out LIE that is knowingly, or ignorantly, spread repeatedly by politicians and by anti 2nd Amendment zealots.

Without the proper paperwork (ATF Form 4473 which is a 6 page form with name, address, state or federal photo ID of the purchaser, the make, model and serial number of the firearm sold, the National Instant Criminal Background check transaction number and questionnaire), that dealer is going to federal prison for a LONG time, will pay a huge fine, lawyer's fees and as a convicted felon, is going to lose his/her right to vote or ever (legally) own a firearm again. It is a felony for either the purchaser or seller to lie on the 4473, even if the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agency disallows the sale in the first place.

I appreciate your description of the film plot and based upon it, it seems the producers of this film selected the gun control issue as a method to spur on attendance as it is such a hot button issue for so many people... like me. I suspect that the myths and lies regarding firearm sales will be lost on the uncritical minds viewing this film but I hope this isn't actually the case.

As I said, I will see this movie to see what the buzz is about.


Both the lobbying firms who are trying to get senators to vote for or against the bill spread lies and myths throughout the film. It's what the film is about - who corrupt and amoral the lobbying industry is.

That you picked up on one of those lies shows you know something about the real-life issue, but a person wouldn't really have to know much bout gun control laws to see that both of the lobbying firms are spinning the argument in their own way.

I'm British and we don't have guns, but it was very clear even to me. The director is also British.

But like I said, it's not really about guns, it's about how influential lobbyists are in Washington.

If this film should raise anger then it should be from gun owners prejudging the film's non-existent stand on guns, but anger from all sides directed towards the lobbying industry.

It certainly didn't make me feel any more pro or anti guns, just more annoyed that lobbying, big corporations and self-preserving Senators are deciding big issues not on the pros and cons of that issue but because they are pressured/bribed/blackmailed by lobbying firms who will argue any case in the most amoral way for money.

It's also a great portrayal of a woman who is so driven by the desire to win at any costs she no longer has any morals, ethics or compassion.


"And the anti gun lobby come out of it as hugely corrupt."
Yes, very good point.

Big disclaimer:
I read the comments calling it liberal anti-gun propaganda, and I did vote conservative, and yes, there is a lot of dominant anti-gun stuff, but Elizabeth DID go to an institution, and a friend got shot, which could be intepreted as a pro-gun reason: own a weapon, and be on guard! (Though at the very same time, it would also show why so many of the more extreme anti-gun people would have a bigger case, too...)
"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


If they make a product you like then you buy it. It's really that simple. If you're going to politicize entertainment and are conservative then you're going to have a bad time. Because Hollywood, the music industry (except country I guess), Broadway, and good television are all full of people who don't agree with you, but make fine products. Using that to justify piracy is just you giving reason for being useless dead weight.


This is about lobbyists and big business corrupting politics.

Do you really think that it's an attack aimed at just the Republicans? Do you think that ONLY Republicans are corrupt or are affected by lobbyists?

Both sides come out of this badly. But then you haven't seen the film, so how would you know?


I am sure pajama boys and overweight Trigglypuffs will go see this and then weep at what could have been. And that is good. Nothing is so sweet as the taste of liberal tears.

And, I have another 8 years of sipping the fine nectar of liberal tears. 8 Years of Our next President dismantling everything obama ever thought to enact.

It's glorious. Glorious like only a Trump Presidency can be!


So you didn't see the film then?


The tragic thing is that you dimwits just elected a guy because he promised you he was going to "drain the swamp" get rid of corruption and now he's putting the most corrupt government in US history together. And here you are complaining about a movie that attacks the very kind of corruption that you are supposed to be against and you aren't even capable of recognizing it.

Have fun hugging your gun.

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules. "
-Walter Sobchak


I could not care less about 'draining the swamp'. I care about reversing what obama has done and the side benefit of the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the left.

I love, absolutely love that the left is still moved to tears over the tragedy of not getting their candidate elected. It is a beautiful and sweet thing.

I love also now the boot is on the republicans foot and that boot will be placed firmly on the lefts necks. You applauded a weaponized IRS when it was wielded by obama. You will now get to see how it feels when it is used against you. May all the things you visited on the right, visit you.

But go ahead, tell us, you really didn't vote, did you? You would have, but it interfered with your special life somehow. LOL. I love it. Truly I do.


The left applauded a weaponized IRS, they applauded a weaponized mainstream media, they applauded a weaponized FBI (until it was used against them) and they are currently applauding a weaponized CIA.

In other words, they applaud fascism, all the while claiming that the prez-elect is a fascist.

As Valerie Jarret and Barry Soetero said, "It's payback time! Elections have consequences!"

I drink liberal tears from the gushing spigot, too, baby!

May the tanking of this movie set a precedent with a warning shot over the bow of Hollywood libtardation.


Just the usual BS from sore losers.

Go have a "High Colonic".


Hollywood hates REAL America, period.

Don't even call it a political movement. It's why no one watches their award shows any more among other things.


REAL America? With capital letters and everything. Oh, I see. You think that because Trump won the election, that must mean the majority of Americans must be Conservatives. And not the good kind, you know, the ones who go to Church every Sunday, love their neighbors, work hard and stand for Freedom, but the ones who oppose homosexuality, are likely closet racists, pro-life, hate liberals with a fiery passion and all that good stuff. Man, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's not the REAL America. There is no REAL America. There is only America. Also, did it ever occur to you that Trump won because Hillary just utterly sucked? No? Ok then.


Did it occur to YOU that the Dems lost the house and senate because their policies sucked?

Trump put Americans issues first, unlike the previous POS in the white house and his "entitled" successor. Her current sniveling behavior tells the world exactly what kind of person she is.

Now go cry me some liberal tears. I can't get enough.


Yeah, it did occur to me. A lot of things occurred to me. That's why I voted for Trump.

Liberal tears. Wow. I'm not even a liberal. Typical man-child IMDb poster.
