I Will Train You....

What kind of moronic crap is this? Robin Hood is The Karate Kid, and Jamie Fox is Mr. Miyagi? Or is this a redux of the Antonio Banderas Zorro?

This idiotic plot device is so overused it's now being incorporated into the classics. This very well may be the stupidest movie ever thought up, let alone created.


Good point. Nobody should ever be trained in fighting arts. They should just naturally be born with those skills and knowledge already in their heads.


If I've ever seen an example of someone missing the entire point, this is it. Reading requires comprehension.


That's nice.




One if the biggest problem with films recently is they try and appeal to everyone and end up appealing to no one.

It's like when they started doing Star Trek films and and it looked more like Star Wars and they did Sherlock Holmes a few times actually Downwy Jr was more like an action hero. Everything is just a big mash up and loses its identity.

Not to mention they have to play politics and have the black man in charge and teaching the white Englishman.


It's really a shame. The one mindless formula stays the same. Only the characters change. And if the characters don't fit with the formula, they jam the square peg in the round hole anyway. That's the intellect of today's writers.


They invest so much money that they don't want to take any risks. Add PC propaganda and you have unwatchable films.
