The Legends Do "Vikings"

"We are NOT letting America go Viking!" - Sara Lance

You know what? That might not have been such a bad idea.

Which group would have made a better cultural foundation for North America: Vikings, or Puritans? I'm going--and, to me, this is no contest--with Vikings. The Puritans left England not because of religious repression, but because THEY were intolerant of any religious view that was not their own. They espoused a culture of self-abnegation and denial, and were pussies. The Vikings were explorers, warriors, conquerors and merchants. They eventually embraced Christianity (as this episode discussed), but had a beautiful and life-affirming Norse religion before that. The Vikings CELEBRATED life, the Puritans perceived life as being inherently sinful, as was humankind. Vikings gave us what we now call Christmas trees and Yule logs. Puritans gave us a lump of coal in our Christmas stocking.

Me, I pick Vikings.

Plus, Lagertha=so fucking hot. Vikings: roasted meats and 'taters. Puritans: shitty overcooked and uninspired Brit food. Vikings: Mead, Ale and any other intoxicant they could find. Puritans: teetotalers. Vikings: sex with anything that moves. Puritans: missionary position, and only with your wedded mate of the opposite sex. Vikings: passion and lust. Puritans: meek and mild. Vikings: do you think that anybody sneaks into a Viking nation? Puritans: no comment.


'Taters are a new-world plant.


Yes, they are; and the Vikings were here, my friend.


It is also interesting to see how much cross over there is with American Indian culture and Viking culture. Vikings were warriors, America would have been better off. That said look at the home of the Vikings now it is Leftard central.


Others have made the same observation, so you’re not alone. I tend to agree, but I’m biased because I have a Norse heritage. For better or worse, the New World was originally colonized by mean-spirited fanatics who were driven from England not because they could not practice their religion as they wanted, but because they wanted to stop others from practicing religion as THEY wanted. I live in New England, so I’ve some feel for the oppression of Puritanism, its authoritarianism and its prudery. Give me a lusty, free-spirited, nature embracing Norsewoman or Norseman over those human prunes any day!
