They Just Blackwashed Dr.Midnite....You've Got To Be Kidding Me.
What in the hell are they thinking ? Why is it DC thinks it's okay race swap a JSA favorite ? If they wanted more variety why the hell didn't they put Mr . Terrific, or better yet the female black superhero, Dr.Beth Chapel, otherwise known as DR. MIDNITE. Did the *beep* company that created her forget her completely ? Race swapping is lazy as hell, especially when they HAVE A BLACK DR.MIDNITE ALREADY.....Idiots. Worse has anyone seen their costumes ? Ugh, just.....terrible. Worse than last year....What else should I expect from a company so lazy that they created ANOTHER CHARACTER FOR FIRESTORM WHEN THEY ALREADY HAD THE ONE FROM THE COMICS ! We ( the fans ) watch this to see our favorite characters from the comics represented on screen...SO WHY DO THEY ALWAYS *beep* IT UP ! ......Damn, it's rough being a comic fan. Why can't they get anything right ? I'd have LOVED to see Dr. Beth Chapel as Dr.Midnite...but *beep* this race swapped garbage. Why didn't someone think of using Yolanda as Wildcat ? Why does DC keep screwing everything up ? All they need to do is read the source material !
100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !