Sarah & Ray

Does anyone get the feeling the show is trying to push Ray and Sarah to hook up now?
I could almost believe Snart and Sarah, but please "no!" to Ray. I'm really hoping it's just a big brother looking out for little sister type thing.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


Oh please God, no.


I don't see it yet. I didn't see anything indicating any romantic connection between them in their interactions. But I liked that they actually had some interaction given that they barely had any last season.


I didn't see anything too obvious about them pushing a relationship. I just thought Ray was the only one Sarah knew from back home and they were having him try to comfort her or look out for her because he knew Laurel too.


I didn't see anything too obvious about them pushing a relationship. I just thought Ray was the only one Sarah knew from back home and they were having him try to comfort her or look out for her because he knew Laurel too.
