MovieChat Forums > Legends of Tomorrow (2016) Discussion > White Canary Potential relationships?

White Canary Potential relationships?

I'm wondering if Sara will hookup with either Stargirl or the new Vixen?


Hope not, I liked her and Snart. I thought they made an interesting duo. I mean neither of them would be the relationship type but I could see them hooking up but alas they killed him off so they have to find someone else to occupy her with


I think I heard Sara was getting a new love interest this season, I had the impression it was a woman. Hopefully it's low key like the nurse.

I agree, Ashjazz, I liked Sara and Snart as well. I wouldn't completely rule out the two of them reconnecting in the future, even if it is a slightly different version of Snart. The producers know there are a lot of Capt. Canary fans out there, they won't let an opportunity pass if they can help it.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


i hoping she hooks up with supergirl


Didn't they say a major character, from I think Supergirl or Flash, was coming out? You never know, she did just give Jimmy the cold shoulder. Although, most people think it will be Alex, Kara's sister.

I have always wondered about Eobard Thawne too.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


maggie saywer is in supergirl in s2 so it could be Alex also there a possibility it could be Miss Martian as well


Can Sara be with Rip ?
