
don't get me wrong, i can shut my brain off enough to just go with the flow of the show and still pretty much enjoy it, but i feel like this season they're starting off even worse with inconsistencies then they did last season.

first off, i'm not really buying nate's abilities right now. although i thought it was worth a laugh how easy he made it seem to figure out oliver's identity (because it is) and it was a fun little poke at DC's really stupid tropes about people not being able to figure out superhero identities with basically no disguise. but how's he supposed to be figuring out the timeline has changed, if he's in 2016? he wouldn't know about the changes. he's in a time period where he shouldn't even know time travel is a thing to begin with. plus he just randomly knows all about the "legends" . . .even that they refer to themselves as legends. why does he even know sarah lance's name, and how's he making a connection about ray palmer, who's supposed to be dead? for that matter, if an atomic bomb went off under the ocean in 1942, why doesn't everyone know about it, and why does oliver know it's 3 years early? it should be established history for him. then he manages to pinpoint ray's location 70 *billion* years in the past via a fossil, to the day no less.

then there's the fact that ray's even that far back. i seem to recall last year, it being stated that the farther back one went, the worse the effects on the body, and that there was a limit to how far back they could hope to go. not to mention the time scatter effect put everyone else in AD but randomly threw ray back 70 billion freaking years. pretty much because someone in the writer's room thought dinosaurs were cool and nobody seems to remember any of the rules they establish for time travel.

and of course, the first battle to save the king. they're literally mid fight and no one has defeated the bad guys they're fighting, and rip randomly tells everyone to get back to the ship. is he expecting that if they retreat, the bad guys will just stop trying because they kind of made it difficult? what kind of stupid order was that supposed to be in the middle of a battle they weren't really losing?

finally, how the hell is it that the JSA didn't pick up on them when they showed up and went through all that crap with the atomic bomb, but when they show up and barely interact with anyone, all of a sudden, the JSA is like "stop, strange people?" doesn't make any sense

i'm hoping they don't start screwing this up so badly that i can't even enjoy it.




i thought that's what it said, but it might've said million. point still stands though. both numbers are ridiculous


Let's face it, this show has never made much sense.


true, but like i said, it seems a lot worse, just from this first episode


It takes a while for the time line to set. If he read several books saying one thing then others saying another contradicting each other it would be proof. Also there's the photos of weird things


It takes awhile to set for the people who change it, not for the people for whom it's history. At best they get vague feelings. It doesn't result in books with differing histories


i learned long time ago not to try to think too much in time travel fiction.
on 'Austin Powers 2' Austin's boss told the audiance not to think about it too much and just enjoy the ride.


He didn't notice things changing, just cases in history that were really weird, as if people were from the future. He's just incredibly lucky to have found them all lol. I agree, it was all very stupid. It's getting more and more like a bad Saturday morning kids show.
