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What episode will Snart return in Season 2?

Has there been any mention which episode in Season 2 will have Snart reappear?

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


Didn't he die?


Yes, but I believe this will be a Snart pulled from a different point in time, most likely by Reverse Flash.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


Darn I was hoping that the Oculus would have sent him into limbo in time instead of actually killing him.


I'm actually hoping that we will discover the original Snart is trapped within the Oculus. I liked the growth that he had made while on the team. It would be interesting to have the original Snart up against an older version of himself at some point.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


I would agree that it would be great to see Leonard Snart make a comeback.


I know some version of Snart will be on the Flash in episode 3x04. Barry shouldn't know that Snart died yet on LoT last season. Unless his appearance is a flashback, which could mean he never got on the ship for Legends.

I'm guessing by the end of the episode Reverse Flash will convince him to join the Legion of Doom.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V


I felt that Snart's character had changed over time and he'd become a better person. I'd hate to see him revert to a previous 'colder' version. 😄 There's already enough one-dimensional badguys on these shows.


"Colder version" I see what you did there;)


LOL at colder.

I do miss Snart and hope he will show up.

I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one some day. (Michael Scott)


Ha, nice pun there! And I agree on all points- would love to see him come back (mostly I just love that actor! Plus his growth as a better guy was great) and we already have poorly developed bad guys.

Hot guys + dark subject matter + plenty of violence = watchable television.


If he never got on the ship in the first place there would be way too many inconsistencies. If he never got on the ship then Mick would not be on the ship, the Oculus would still exist and a few of the characters would probably be dead. Is it possible that Flashpoint happened during the beginning of season 1? In 2046 we see that John Diggle Jr exists but until Barry goes back in time to change the timeline John Diggle Jr is actually a girl. It doesnt make sense that John Diggle is a boy in 2046 if Barry hasn't yet changed the past. Until Barry goes back in time 2046 should have a female Diggle should it not?


This is why Temporal Mechanics causes headaches. It gets too Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Whimey


I want Captain Cold/Snart back. :( I waaant him baaack!!


Snart will be back in episode 9, When the season resumes in mid-January. I betting he will actually show up at the end of episode 8, right before the mid-season break.

-People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. V4V
