MovieChat Forums > Legends of Tomorrow (2016) Discussion > am I the only one that thought Ciara Ren...

am I the only one that thought Ciara Renée was the best looking?

I mean it was really just her and caity lotz ..and now Ciara's gone and her replacements do nothing for me either.

if you don't have anything nice to say're probably a butthole


Yes Ciara Renee is very beautiful. Too bad they wasted her character in a stupid romance triangle and did not write her the bad ass character she should have been, based on her comics book character.


Agreed, the character had a lot of potential but they kept her constantly tied to Carter even when he was dead) and spent the rest of her on a terrible romance triangle plot. Sad to see the actress lose the gig when it was the fault of the writers, IMO. I'm not massively familiar with the comic Hawkgirl, but remember her being pretty cool and badass on the Justice cartoons.


If we are talking about females then I guess so. She's really not that good looking but neither is Caity. Wentworth is obviously the best looking male.


She was the hottest woman on the show by FAR.


I've seen pictures of her in fitness wear; girlfriend is seriously ripped!


She is a hottie. It is kind of distracting how her teeth are so big she can't close her mouth though.
