This episode was dreadful
Everything about it felt incredibly forced. In particular:
- Einstein implied to have built the A-Bomb. Not a terrible assertion given his presumable ability to be the most advanced scientist in the field in 1942, but I honestly think they just wanted a recognizable historical figure, and have no regard for what actually happened.
- Sara's continual sexual encounters. Twice in the episode with two different people - why? I get that she's a lesbian, and that's cool, but apparently she's also a raging sex addict.
- Please, stop correcting "nuclear bomb". An atomic bomb is STILL A NUCLEAR BOMB.
The actual meat of the episode was flimsy at best... I tuned out for most of it. Pretty sure I'm done with this series, and that's a shame because I like these characters from Flash/Arrow, and the premise is quite interesting. The effort toward time travel just isn't there, and honestly the only actor that doesn't piss me off is the one not in the other series' - Rip Hunter. RIP this show.