Stupid question...

Okay, I think I remember Snart got vaporized in the finale, right? But what happened to Hawkgirl? I can't seem to remember....


Her and Hawkman walked off into the sunset.

"By law you have to call it a lair if you use it to torture people." Douglas Davenport


I can't remember myself and also I can't tell if your f#@king with me. also don't care to watch anything hawkgirl related so at the end of the day I won't re watch it and just take your word on it. I mean sounds like the level of writing we would expect.


Its basically true.


Not hat's pretty much what happened. They left to go try to live life together for a change and develop relationship/get to know each other better, etc.


In this lifetime. Rem', they've had children together in past lifetimes.
