MovieChat Forums > Legends of Tomorrow (2016) Discussion > They can be true hypocrites at times (sp...

They can be true hypocrites at times (spoilers)

A lot of hypocrisy to gasp at the use of a nuclear on a city when the US did it on two cities.


they're not the ones who made that decision, for starters. also, it's a part of history and would constitute a humongous change that would screw up the timeline in a major way. since new york wasn't supposed to be nuked originally, and the war continued on for several more years, i think they're allowed to be shocked at the millions of extra dead


It's no different than Christians passing judgement on Muslim's for the actions of extremist when Christians have also murdered people under the cloak of religion for years, or a black person being who moans about the racism towards black people but ignores the equal amount of racism shown by some black people at the same time.

Americans will always think an attack on America is uncalled for and evil, as will us Brits towards an attack on us, as will the French, the Irish, Pakistani, Indian, Chinese or Bulgarians and so on.

Plus as an established event their worlds history a bombings in japan are a matter or fact to them regardless of the unfortunate casualties, where as this was a attack never meant to happen by the NAZIS off all people on their country, it makes sense they would be appalled, plus the nuking of NY actually caused 12,000,000 extra lives to be lost and the war prolonged by two years, so it was actually on both sides a worse outcome.


Is the OP SERIOUSLY asking why a group of American superheroes WOULDN'T want to stop the Nazis from nuking NYC in 1942??

Formerly sn939


That aint the question... The question is why they consider nuking NY is evil and make no judgement on nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Because it's an attack on their people which automatically skews judgement, also don't be silly and think they only stopped it because it was an attack on the US, they haven't stopped any of the major attacks shown in Arrow, the undertaking, the siege, the assault by the League or the bombing of Havenrock, nor should we assume they changed 9/11 or anything else, they simply are trying to maintain history, because through that they know how history will for the most part unfold, but by changing other things that are part of the natural order of history then they risk destroying the future.


yeah but they could manifest that reasoning, instead they made it all look like they do not care about the suffering of the Japanese because, who are them? Japanese? did that even happen?


or a black person being who moans about the racism towards black people but ignores the equal amount of racism shown by some black people at the same time.

I am not sure it's ignored as much as it's minuscule in the grand scheme of things. I do not agree with racism and I have stopped black children from picking on white ones and I've had people tell me they were picked on for being white while growing up. That stinks and it's wrong.

White racism is different because of the power differential. Whites control every major institution in this country and there use of this control has been detrimental to black people resulting in whites having access to better education, better housing, better medical, and better interactions with the legal systems.

It will be decades if ever that a corporation is found guilty of racially discriminating against white employees or white job applicants. Blacks experience that frequently.

P.S. The biggest beneficiary of affirmative action was white women.

#RyanPotterForTimDrake #AsianBlackLightning


America held nuclear supremacy over the world for many many years, and did not abuse that power. Japan would have burned any opposing nations to a cinder. Remember, this is the nation that would publish 'beheading' contests in their newspapers. For that matter, there is not many nations in the world that would not have abused that power.

Hating the USA is very trendy. But I'm glad they held this power first.


You mean "United States"... And nuking two cities aint abusing power? Going into cold war aint abusing power? LOL... As for war crimes, the US isn't far behind, even more so, it is far ahead, but it was bad propaganda so you don't know about them...

I wish the UK got this power first, I trust them better.


except even the Japanese acknowledge that the causalities of military and civilian populations would have been significantly higher had the US not dropped the bombs thus ending the war.


Heck, if you can prevent those nuclears you can also destroy the myth that the Japanese emperor was divine and the war would also have ended before... Heck if you can prevent history you can just as easily stop the black ship from ending Japanese isolationism and there would be no Japanese allies for the Nazis, no invation of China, no nothing.
