MovieChat Forums > I Am Jazz (2015) Discussion > Changing the gender on her Driver's Lice...

Changing the gender on her Driver's License

I saw the show where she went to the DMV and was able to change the gender on her license, but I didn't think you could do that in Florida unless you have the surgery.

A few years back I knew of a transsexual that lived in Florida and she was unable to change her ID because she couldn't afford sex-change surgery, so she wasn't able to find work (I believe she got her money - grants - from on Online school and that was how she survived). She eventually moved to Oregon where she could change her ID without the surgery.

Do I drink because my dreams don't come true, or don't my dreams come true because I drink?


Florida changed their rules in 2010. Now you only need a letter stating that you've received clinical treatment.


A few years back

Yeah that's the difference between "A few years back" and TODAY. Ppl on here deny that laws, polices, etc.. are changing to accommodate trans ppl, but evidence show they ARE changing. I know it pisses ppl off but things are moving forward.


Strangely though, in the state where I live (Louisiana), 20 or 30 years ago you could change the gender on your ID without the surgery. All you had to do was bring in your birth certificate to the DMV. It isn't like that anymore. Now they require you to have the surgery to change it. I think all of this happened around the time of 9/11.

Do I drink because my dreams don't come true, or don't my dreams come true because I drink?


That is like the NC bathroom bill, there are some places that try as hard as they can to stay in the dark ages, BUT progress usually always wins out. This is why it's so important to get a democrat in office, If Trump wins that would hurt a lot of what Obama has put in place for us.
