I know I'm probably going to get some heat for this but I really hate how Jazzs mom and family are giving her what feels like false encouragement. The truth is that teenage boys are not going to be interested in Jazz because she has a penis. I think she needs a big dose of reality, teenager or not, that everyone is not going to accept you and most straight men will not have romantic feelings towards her. Everyone around her is being overly supportive and overly sensitive, blaming the boys for not being interested in her in anything other than friend.
I know I'm probably going to get some heat for this but I really hate how Jazzs mom and family are giving her what feels like false encouragement. The truth is that teenage boys are not going to be interested in Jazz because she has a penis. I think she needs a big dose of reality, teenager or not, that everyone is not going to accept you and most straight men will not have romantic feelings towards her. Everyone around her is being overly supportive and overly sensitive, blaming the boys for not being interested in her in anything other than friend.
I absolutely agree, Sanz-6. And, for the record, no, I most definitely am NOT anti-anything! I fully support LGBTQ folks, and always have. But I'm also a realist.
The way Jazz's family/friends/doctors support her is admirable, but they don't seem to be tempering their encouragement with a dose of reality. They SHOULD be spending time talking with her about the REALITY that straight boys are not going to be interested in dating someone with male genitalia. Period. End of story. Teenagers are ultra-concerned about things like their reputation, their 'coolness' factor, how others perceive them, what their place in the world is, and so on. What straight boy is going to risk ANY of that by dating a 'girl' who has the same sexual parts he does? Right, no one. Think of the ridicule it would cause.
It's great that Jazz's parents have accepted her for who and what she is, but they're doing her a great disservice by not preparing her for the realities of what she'll face when dating time comes.
"They SHOULD be spending time talking with her about the REALITY that straight boys are not going to be interested in dating someone with male genitalia. Period. End of story."
Well GAY GUYS would typically not be interested in dating her either, b/c she LOOKS like a girl, gay guys like GUYS...who LOOK LIKE GUYS! So she might as well give up, right?
The truth is, there ARE guys who identify as straight who date trans girls... there are girls who identify as lesbian who date trans girls....there girls who identify as straight who date trans MEN.
If you actually GET OUT, you will see there is about any kind of relationship you can imagine.
There is more to a relationship than just a BAG OF ANATOMY! By your logic straight guys should be totally open to dating transgender MEN, if they have a vagina.
I'm going to LOVE it when Jazz gets a boyfriend....and you all have to eat crow! Of course, you will claim "it's all just STAGED!" You cannot accept the fact that trans ppl can be happy and ppl CAN love us.
As far as you being a REALIST... just b/c it's YOUR reality, doesn't mean it's JAZZ's I know as a transgender woman myself, who I have dated, and I know who many other trans ppl have dated,..... ENOUGH to prove your theory wrong when you say, "NO ONE, END OF STORY, PERIOD!" As if you have to make the point we absolutely can never have ANYONE... You are just WRONG.
"but they don't seem to be tempering their encouragement with a dose of reality."
Maybe we should seek to CHANGE reality then.
"They SHOULD be spending time talking with her about the REALITY that straight boys are not going to be interested in dating someone with male genitalia."
So where does that leave Jazz as far as DATING? Do you think GAY GUYS are going to want to date her? GAY GUYS typically would not want to date someone who LOOKS LIKE A GIRL with a female appearance! Most gay guy are attracted to MEN...and being a MAN means MORE than having a penis... Being a MAN means LOOKING LIKE most men typically look. Gay guys are generally attracted to ppl who have a MALE appearance... Jazz looks like a girl, so HOW could a gay guy be attracted to her?
It's sad so many seem to think that a relationship is all about ANATOMY! Under that logic, I guess straight men should be open to dating Jazz Bono!?
To me a straight man would prefer Jazz over Chazz.
But the reality is there are straight men who date trans women, there are lesbian women who date trans women...there are gay men who date trans men, and straight women who date trans men. And you do NOT get dictate who is really straight or gay, you are not the boss of anyone's sexual orientation.
once the script calls for some hard talk, they will deliver it - and they will deliver it in the least believable, most impossibly staged way possible - in other words, the TLC way.
You know, there ARE more ways to have sex other than just INNERCOURSE, anal, vaginal or otherwise..... In other words something doesn't always have to go INTO something, many lesbians have understood this concept for years. And there's more to a relationship than just sex.... I know that may be hard to comprehend, but it's TRUE.
"The only type of sex Jazz will have at this point is anal sex."
You know there ARE other ways to have sex other than just ANAL or VAGINAL or ORAL. ~eye roll~ Like you have the authority to dictate how Jazz will have sex. CREEPY!
I am a trans girl, I've been with guys, and women, and I've NEVER had anal nor oral, nor even VAGINA intercourse in my life! Interourse has just never appealed to me :/ To each their own. After all many lesbians never have intercourse, so why do you think trans women HAVE to?
There ARE other ways to have fun sex other than just inserting one organ into another organ.
I've NEVER had anal nor oral, nor even VAGINA intercourse in my life!
Wait wait wait.....WUT??!
Jeeze, why even admit to that on the internet?
So you've never had sex? You're a virgin male with a tucked pecker?
Did you hear the 'oh I'm a lesbian' turn down by women so many times that you decided you had to become a female yourself to get some but they still didn't want you?
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"Did you hear the 'oh I'm a lesbian' turn down by women so many times that you decided you had to become a female yourself to get some but they still didn't want you?"
I knew I was a girl at 4 years old so it didn't happen that way exactly.
And yeah that's why I have a GIRLFRIEND! As many transgender women DO have relationships.
BUT according to your logic ALL lesbians are VIRGINS, b/c only INTERCOURSE constitutes as REAL sex, right?
"So you've never had sex?"
When did I say I never had sex.. I said I've never had intercourse! I didn't say I never had sex, I said I never had intercourse. The 2 are not the same thing... or else ALL LESBIANS would be virgins!
Do you think all sex is is just rubbing one organ in and out of another over and over and over and over AND OVER and over and over and over again? Sounds pretty boring to me.
I actually have a VERY RICH sex life... My gf and I do A LOT of things lol If you think that all sex is is just rubbing 1 organ in and out of another organ, then YOU have a DULL sex life!
I don't identify as male, so why would I want to have sex as one?
"You're a virgin male with a tucked pecker?"
Not a male, my gender is FEMALE, just as Jazz's is, and the status of my "pecker' is none of your business, PERVERT! Why do you feel like you OWN other ppl's bodies? And why would you ask someone about their genitals? That sound pretty rapey to me.
you're such a miserable pathetic hateful violent bigoted bully you just feel GOOD tearing other ppl down and hiding behind a computer spewing nasty hate speech. Well your ass is reported now! What you said is clearly against IMDB guidelines. Hate Speech based on Gender Identity.
Well your ass is reported now! What you said is clearly against IMDB guidelines. Hate Speech based on Gender Identity.
Oh no! The horror, the horror! Ye have defeated me.
When did I say I never had sex.. I said I've never had intercourse! I didn't say I never had sex, I said I never had intercourse. The 2 are not the same thing... or else ALL LESBIANS would be virgins!
If you've never had intercourse, then yes, you are a virgin. If you haven't even done oral or anal (yuck) then you haven't had any kind of sexual activity. Virgin.
So you tucked your pecker and now do what with girls? Read vagina-inspired poetry whilst 'smashing the patriarchy' with 'trans activism'?
And this chick you call your girlfriend is obviously not a full on lez because lesbians don't like penis. Logically a woman who is only into women would only date and have sexual play with women, not a guy in drag. She's most likely bisexual or a really kinky straight chick.
I don't identify as male, so why would I want to have sex as one?
You can identify as anything you like but you'll always be male. I could identify as a banana but I'm not going to suddenly turn yellow and fruity.
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"You can identify as anything you like but you'll always be male. I could identify as a banana but I'm not going to suddenly turn yellow and fruity."
Well being a banana is determined by a class of fruit, by having a peel, etc... Gender is NOT... Gender is determined by your identity...the BRAIN and only the brain.
And no human that I know of has ever been born a BANANA, but humans ARE born men and women.... So a human male identifying as a human female b/c she has a female brain is not like a human identifying as a BANANA, b/c he has a BANANA brain.
I have a female identity b/c I was born with a female brain... there's no way to be born with a "banana brain".
Your identity IS what determines your gender! My IDENTITY is female b/c my BRAIN developed as FEMALE! So even though my sex is male and will ALWAYS be male, my gender is FEMALE and HAS ALWAYS BEEN FEMALE... sorry but I will believe that the Psychiatric community says over what YOU say!
So I am a woman because I was born with a female gender....just with a male defect in my sex.
So yeah I'm not arguing that my sex is not male, my sex will ALWAYS be male, but my GENDER is female and always has been and always will be... I'm a woman, as agreed upon now by the LAW, by the medical and psychiatric communities and by the APA.
Sorry but your definition of MALE is not intrinsically ingrained into the structure of the universe.
ALSO the terms MAN and WOMAN are social constructs.... Its not like the universe just came into being with the idea empirically ingrained into it "XY Chromosomes+Penis=Male=Man=He/him Pronouns. Learn the difference between a social construct and a concept and an empirical fact.
" "If you've never had intercourse, then yes, you are a virgin. If you haven't even done oral or anal (yuck) then you haven't had any kind of sexual activity. Virgin."
So then are ALL LESBIANS virgins? I notice you dumbasses won't answer THAT!
"So you tucked your pecker and now do what with girls? Read vagina-inspired poetry whilst 'smashing the patriarchy' with 'trans activism'?"
Would you ask the SAME THING to a lesbian? Lesbians have been having and ENJOYONG sex for YEARS now. So why can I not have sex with a woman in the same way lesbians have sex?
"And this chick you call your girlfriend is obviously not a full on lez because lesbians don't like penis. Logically a woman who is only into women would only date and have sexual play with women, not a guy in drag. She's most likely bisexual or a really kinky straight chick."
Who are you to dictate my gf's sexual preference? Do you own her body and her mind? If someone SAYS they are lesbian.. then they ARE!! Lesbians are not attracted to VAGINAS, they are attracted to WOMEN... though many are attracted to vaginas as well.
My gf is open to dating ALL WOMEN,, trans or cis...in her words, "A woman is a woman to me" She's attracted to a female look, a female personality, female chemistry and I have all that.. I'm more to her than just ANATOMY. AND she's more to me than just a vagina.
Yeah many ppl have told my gf, "You're not REALLY lesbian if you're with a girl with a penis" and shes like, "Who are you to decide whether I'm lesbian or not?" lol Ppl think they have a lot of authority over other ppl's sexuality.
And no she's not kinky straight, she said would never be with a MAN, or a male who LOOKS like a man. So yep believe it or not there lesbians who date trans women..there are gay men who date trans men.
Also if you're going to say my gf is straight b/c why else would she date a girl with a penis, you could just as easily ask, if she's straight WHY then is she dating a guy who looks like a girl? And why does she ONLY date guys who looks like girls? Yes she has been with other trans women...as have I.
AND I have had a couple of boyfriends in the past...1 was bi, but the other identified as straight, said he'd "never be with a man who looks like a man"
I know it's gonna gross me out for asking (kinda like looking at roadkill) but if you dated these gay guys but in a previous post said you'd never had oral or anal (yuck), how could they be your 'boyfriends'?
Did you just sit and look at each other and like, oh I don't know, virtually screwed or something?
AGAIN, you think that SEX only equals INTERCOURSE??? You honestly think having intercourse is the ONLY way to have sex?? REALLY!?!??!
And again you didn't answer my question... Are ALL lesbians virgins? You called ME a virgin b/c I don't have intercourse, BUT how is me being a virgin for not having intercourse any different than a lesbian never having intercourse??
Also as Matt D. has said, WORDS are social constructs... so if you define being a virgin as NEVER having had intercourse, OK under YOUR definition of VIRGIN, then I am a virgin! But I'm having FUN as a virgin! LOL I'm having the greatest time every night in my virginity with my girlfriend hahaha! We have a blast getting our VIRGIN on!
Under your definitions, being a non-virgin sounds total dull!
You can doubt it all you want, but it doesn't change reality.
I'm a trans woman, I have dated at least 2 men who identify as straight, and would never be with an ordinary MAN. I have dated 1 bisexual woman and 2 lesbian women ~one whom I'm with now~.
You gotta think, there are over 7billion ppl on the planet, not ALL of them are going to fit into a binary.
AND if you doubt that pansexual ppl exist, well , you are just wrong.
Well, lest we forget, Jazz lives within a very privileged family. So, be it false encouragement, or maybe some sense of entitlement, I don't think they are ever really going to believe that teenaged Jazz won't find someone.
My issue is though, why are they not mentioning other options than what is largely a population of hetero teen boys? I mean, why was the doctor the only one who mentioned other trans people? -- Originality now is just casting a non-white/ cis person. http://amari-sali.blogspot.com/
"I don't think they are ever really going to believe that teenaged Jazz won't find someone."
You all are downers... that's BEYOND just "facing reality" that is just HORRIBLE to say someone will NEVER find anyone. I think ANY guy ~or girl~ would be damn lucky to be with Jazz, she's attractive, funny, full of life, energetic... She WILL find someone and that SOMEONE will be damn lucky!
How is that being a downer? Unless I wrote it in a odd way, I thought I was saying that she is bound to find someone and I was asking why were boys her only option and other trans people not mentioned?